




街坊邻居 双语例句

1. 父老乡亲们,邻居街坊们,战友同志们,我可真够贱的,非得把我生活里的点点滴滴都拿出来在网上和大家聊,哎,人要活地低调啊
    I want everyone to know everything that's happening in my life, including when I'm moving, what I eat every day, boxers or briefs, etc.............

2. 林进益收集雨水,在屋顶放置十多个储水桶,做为空中花园菜园的灌溉用水,种出的蔬菜非常受到街坊邻居欢迎。
    Under his roof, there are a dozen barrels, filled with water from the sky for his little garden and vegetable patch.

3. 街坊邻居的解释

3. 改郡从郡长到平民百姓,这个土地上一英里挨一英里的地方,西至德克萨斯,北达阿肯色州,曾经破烂的什里夫波特城和艰难度日的街坊邻居,一夜之间发现自己的所在地已经被证实为美国大陆上最大的天然气聚集地。
    The county leaders and everyone around them, for mile after mile, over to Texas and up to Arkansas, in the down-at-the-heels city of Shreveport and in its struggling neighbors, suddenly find themselves sitting on what could prove to be the largest natural gas deposit in the continental United States.

4. 街坊邻居在线翻译

4. 我已经认识了所有的街坊邻居,而且在我的家乡我还有一些好朋友。
    I know everybody in my neighborhood already and I have some good friends in my hometown.

5. 街坊邻居的近义词

5. 在我还很小的时候,我家成了街坊邻居中最早有电话的一个。
    When I was quite young, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood.

6. 街坊邻居的翻译

6. 你弄出来的声音会把街坊邻居们吵醒的。
    You`re going to wake up the whole neighborhood with that noise.

7. 我只是尽量为街坊邻居做好事。
    Well, I try to do my best for my friends and neighbors.

8. 赵林觉得没有人是在真正地做自己,因为我们总是受到环境的牵制,小到街坊邻居的议论,大到整个社会的舆论。
    I think that what he really thought is further to the issue of individuals and circumstances.

9. 他叫来所有的街坊邻居来帮忙。
    He invited all hisneighbors to come over and help him.

10. 于是,街坊邻居相继效仿,每年冬春之交,都用各种米豆、野果做粥食用,一方面告诫人们要勤俭特家,另一方面也借此祷祝来年五谷丰登。
    As a result, neighbors have to follow each year at the turn of winter and spring are all kinds of rice beans, berries and make porridge for consumption, on the one hand warn people to thrifty and special home, on the other hand to pray for the coming year bumper grain harvest.

11. 如果你将音量调到最大,街坊邻居就会表示不满。
      If you turn the stereo up to maximum volume, the neighbours will complain.

12. 他找街坊邻居讨了一些牛奶来喂养那个没娘的孩子。
      He went to his neighbour to beg for some milk to feed the motherless baby.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. 欢迎游民、高危青少年和弱势族群,为街坊邻居带来色彩。
      An invitation for the homeless, youth at risk and minority to bring color to the neighborhood.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 整个街坊邻居都晓得了。
      The whole neighborhood to know!

15. 街坊邻居的孩子们把握的生活搅得不得安宁。
      The children in the neighborhood disturbed my life.

16. 她老是说街坊邻居的坏话。
      All the time she was running down her neighbours.

17. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

17. 许多年轻人都喜欢在万圣节时穿上特别的服装,向他们的街坊邻居讨糖果。
      On Halloween, many young people like to dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating around their neighborhoods.

18. 街坊邻居的意思

18. 她坚定地回答:这家人需要烧锅炖菜。而后着手把整个街坊邻居组织起来,每个晚上轮流带晚餐给这家人,持续一整年。
      She replied firmly, That family needs casseroles, and then proceeded to organize the entire neighborhood into bringing that family dinner, in shifts, every single night, for an entire year.
