行不由径[xíng bù yóu jìng]
do not take a byway; do not take a right path
1. 这样的现实助长了宣传部的行不由径,致使其肆无忌惮地祭起与人类文明背道而驰的各种邪术法宝来。
This is simply going to encourage bad behavior from the Propaganda Department to continue its various devices that are contrary to civil norms.
2. 澹台灭明则是相貌丑恶,初见孔子时,孔子也不觉他有什麼才干,后来才慢慢发现子羽是个谨守法度,行不由径的侠义君子。
On the other hand, Zhantai Mieming was rather homely, and at their first meeting Confucius did not think he had much talent.
3. 行不由径的意思
3. 澹台灭明则是相貌丑恶,初见孔子时,孔子也不觉他有什么才干,后来才慢慢发现子羽是个谨守法度,行不由径的侠义君子。
On the other hand, Zhantai Mieming was rather homely, and at their first meeting Confucius did not think he had much talent. Later, he gradually discovered that Zi Yu was a righteous gentleman who cautiously abided by the law and did not take shortcuts.
4. 反之,那些投机取巧,行不由径者,虽然表面看来飞黄腾达,却经不起考验,那天东窗事发,事机败露,这高楼就要蹋下来,甚至弄得身败名裂。
On the other hand, the utmost success through questionable transactions must always be hollow and treacherous, and the man who has gained it must always be afraid that a day of reckoning will come, and then his gains will condemn him.