1. 从当时的情况看,灾害发生后,政府的救治手段主要有:蠲缓、赈济、调粟、以工代赈、赈捐等。
At that time, the government took a series of effective measures so that the disaster victims tided over the difficulties and coming farming went forward as usual.
2. 蠲缓的反义词
2. 嘉庆六年永定河决口,直隶地区发生百年不遇的特大水灾,嘉庆政府采取蠲缓钱粮、煮赈、以工代赈、调粟等一系列措施成功组织了此次救灾活动。
In the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Jiaqing, the worst flood in a century in Zhili area was caused by a bust in the dike of the River Yongding.