

蝈蝈儿[guō guor]




词典long-horned grasshopper蝈蝈儿;莎鸡。

蝈蝈儿 汉英大词典

蝈蝈儿[guō guor]

katydid; catydid; long-horned grasshopper

蝈蝈儿 网络解释

1. 蝈蝈儿

1. sauterelle f:5184 saumon m.;a.inv. 鲑鱼;鲑肉色的,橙红色的 NULL NULL | 5189 sauterelle f. 螽斯,蝈蝈儿,蚱蜢,干瘪的人,活钩 NULL 有时误用为蝗虫 | 5252 semence f. 种子,精液,根源,根由,大头短元钉 NULL NULL

2. 蝈蝈儿的反义词

2. Katydid:Sanctuary:鸟兽保护区,禁猎区 | Katydid:蝈蝈儿 | Conehead:圆锥形头部

蝈蝈儿 双语例句

1. 蝈蝈儿的翻译

1. 你注意有多少种不同的蟋蟀、蝈蝈儿以及蚂蚱了吗?
    Do you realize how many different species of crickets and katydids and grasshoppers there are?

2. 蝈蝈儿什么意思

2. 过去,每逢夏季,胡同里经常会有推着自行车卖蝈蝈儿的。
    In the old days, peddlers pushing bicycles to sell grasshoppers could often be seen in hutongs of Be...

3. 蝈蝈儿正为秋天临近而哀鸣。
    Katydids were lamenting fall's approach.

4. 这个活动叫'蟋蟀爬行日',在这个活动中人们会走出家门去聆听七种蟋蟀以及蝈蝈儿、角翼蝈蝈儿、松果头蝈蝈儿以及其它夜间昆虫的歌唱。
    There's going to be a'Cricket Crawl, 'where people are going to go out and listen for the sounds of seven crickets and katydids, angle-winged katydids, and coneheads and various other night insects that are singing.

5. 蝈蝈儿的解释

5. 我觉得这是因为我们清楚引起这种蝈蝈儿行为的所有细节,所以我们可以原谅自己的这些行为,但不能同样的原谅别人。
    I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others.

6. 蝈蝈儿的意思

6. 欢笑的蝈蝈儿不会在热闹里打瞌睡。
    And eh grasshopper laughs in the merry scene.
