

蝇营狗苟[yíng yíng gǒu gǒu]

词典swarm as flies do for good or hang round as dogs do for food蝇营狗苟。

词典concentrate on making profits蝇营狗苟。

词典hustle about trying to make some profits蝇营狗苟。

词典ingratiate oneself with sb. to gain one's ends蝇营狗苟。

蝇营狗苟 汉英大词典

蝇营狗苟[yíng yíng gǒu gǒu]

swarm as flies do for good or hang round as dogs do for food; concentrate on making profits; hustle about trying to make some profits; ingratiate oneself with sb. to gain one's ends; shamelessly seek personal gain; swarm shamelessly round the rich, the inf

蝇营狗苟 网络解释

1. 蝇营狗苟

1. cohnjshs:cohh 怠工 | cohnjshs 蝇营狗苟 | coia 台上
