1. 蛾蛾的反义词
1. 最低的铜含量为800毫克公斤,有一人是衡量一个结石形成蛾蛾(鳞翅目resinella) 40毫克公斤-1heliovaaraetal。
The lowest Cu concentration being 800 mg kg-1 was measured in a gall-forming tortricid moth, 40 mg kg-1 Heliovaara et al.
2. 蛾蛾的反义词
2. 风细柳斜,路边的花略染上了蛾蛾红脂,我听见雨击打在青石板上的清脆回响。
Wind Xiliu oblique, a little roadside flower moth moth infected red fat, I heard the rain hitting the quartzite on the crisp response.
3. 蛾蛾的解释
3. 扫描电子显微镜图像的复眼的夜蛾蛾。
Scanning electron microscope image of the compound eye of a noctuid moth.