

蛊惑人心[gǔ huò rén xīn]

词典befog the minds of the people蛊惑人心。


词典seduce the people蛊惑人心。

词典instil poisonous suspicions into men's minds蛊惑人心。


词典beguile people out of the right way蛊惑人心。

蛊惑人心 汉英大词典

蛊惑人心[gǔ huò rén xīn]

befog the minds of the people; seduce the people; instil poisonous suspicions into men's minds; beguile people out of the right way; confuse and poison people's minds; resort to demagogy; spread false doctrines [falsehoods] to undermine the people's morale

蛊惑人心 网络解释

1. demagogy:demagoguism 煽动 | demagogy 蛊惑人心 | demand bill 即期汇票

2. oargumentum ad populum:oThe Amphiboly (浑水摸鱼) | oargumentum ad populum(蛊惑人心) | oargument from authority (权威唬人)

3. 蛊惑人心

3. to confuse and poison people's minds:无事生非:to make trouble out of nothing | 蛊惑人心:to confuse and poison people's minds | 一意孤行:to insist on having one's own way

4. 蛊惑人心的反义词

4. Seduction:Seduce魅惑 | Seduction蛊惑人心 | Sleeping Strike沉睡攻击
