



词典vegetable diet素食;全素膳食。


词典vegetable food[医] 植物性食物,蔬食。

蔬食 双语例句

1. 蔬食

1. 佛教徒的生活方式最简单,最节俭,主张布衣蔬食,爱惜物力。
    Buddhism claims simple clothes and food, and values material resources.

2. 蔬食

2. 早在公元5、6世纪的南北朝时期,可供蔬食的散叶类型甘蓝Brassica oleracea L。
    Which could be eaten as vegetable came from its originated region through central Asia into China.

3. 蔬食的近义词

3. 巴西椰子树一种羽状叶的南美洲棕榈树,尤指可食埃塔棕和蔬食埃塔棕,均为棕榈核心的重要来源
    Any of several feather-leaved South American palms, especially Euterpe edulis and E. oleracea, which are important sources of heart of palm.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 大家愿意自我承诺:改采蔬食餐饮来拯救我们的未来吗?
    Can we ask ourselves to adopt a vegan diet to saveour future?

5. 蔬食的解释

5. 蔬食除了对人的身体有益外,亦能比我们年幼的低一级动物带来非常大的利益。
    Apart from the value of the frugivorous diet to man himself, it also brings great benefit to our younger brothers, the sub-human creatures.

6. 蔬食的翻译

6. 从今天开始,我承诺,每周至少素食一天,拒绝任何肉类蛋奶制品,做个蔬食抗暖化英雄!
    Today, I promise at least one vegan day per week, a meatless day with no milk and no egg.

7. 这样我痛快地吃了一顿鳕鱼,以后还继续跟别人在一起吃鱼,只是偶然有时恢复蔬食罢了。
    So I din'd upon cod very heartily, and continued to eat with other people, returning only now and then occasionally to a vegetable diet.

8. 我的朋友们只因为看到我吃蔬食(并没有和我讨论过动物权利或蔬食)也开始尝试蔬食的习惯。
    Friends of mine people I have never discussed animal rights or vegetarianism with are adopting vegetarian habits because they see it.

9. 摘要蔬食是指粗粮和菜食,其本义是贫困的象征,但在中国传统文化语境中士人蔬食却具有孝道和德行的意义。
    Vegetarian meal amd coarse food grain are symbol of poverty, but in traditional Chinese context the vegetarian diet of the scholars means filial duly and moraliy, and virtuous conduct.

10. 蔬食的近义词

10. 现在我们知道一份较蔬食的餐饮,会比一部油电混合车来得有效,我们可以改变每一餐的内容,只要很简单地不要让动物出现在我们的餐盘上即可。
    Now that we know a greener diet is even more effective than a greener car, we can make a difference at every single meal, simply by leaving the animals off of our plates.

11. 他呼吁大家蔬食是对地球比较友善的饮食,联合国跨政府气候变迁小组的主席,帕卓理博士也大声疾呼,要采行一周一素来抑制排碳。
      Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has also urged people to observe one meat-free day a week to curb carbon emissions.

12. 蔬食什么意思

12. 巴西椰子树一种羽状叶的南美洲棕榈树,尤指可食埃塔棕和蔬食埃塔棕,均为棕榈核心的重要来源。
      Any of several feather-leaved South American palms, especially Euterpe edulis and E.oleracea, which are important sources of heart of palm.
