



蓄藏 双语例句

1. 但是这种蓄藏金钱的情形极为罕见。
    But this sort of hoarding is extremely rare.

2. 万宜水库能蓄藏大量旳水。
    The High Island Reservoir can store a great deal of water.

3. 他竭力加罪于她,说她折磨了他,说她唆使儿子和他吵架,说她蓄藏卑劣的猜疑,她一生的任务就是使他的生活不愉快,于是他把她从自己的书房中赶了出去,他对她说,如果她不走,那在他是完全一样。
    Trying to find pretexts for reviling her, he said she had done everything to worry him, that she had estranged him from his son, that she harboured the vilest suspicions of him, that she made it the object of her life to poison his existence. He drove her out of his study, telling her that he did not care if she did not go away.

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4. 它甚至不具备通常的累积效果——行为古怪的隐居者生前蓄藏的现金被人找到,拿出来花光用光,可能就跟新出现的蓄藏现金额度相当。
    It is not ordinarily even cumulative: dishoarding, as eccentric recluses die and their hoards are discovered and dissipated, probably offsets new hoarding.

5. 如果仅仅是缺乏理智、莫名其妙地大量蓄藏金钱,在大多数经济状况中都是有害无益的。
    Mere hoarding of hand-to-hand money, if it takes place irrationally, causelessly, and on a large scale, is in most economic situations harmful.

6. 蓄藏是什么意思

6. 例如,储蓄一词有时被用来单指蓄藏金钱,有时被用去指投资,甚至用来用去不加区分。
    The word saving, for example, is used sometimes to mean mere hoarding of money, and sometimes to mean investment, with no clear distinction, consistently maintained, between the two uses.

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7. 万宜水库能蓄藏大量的水。
    The high island reservoir can store a great deal of water.

8. 蓄藏

8. 随着社会生长力的进步和人类精神文化的日益累积,蓄藏发展到了收藏。
    Along with the progress of social productive forces and the accumulation of spiritual culture, store turn to collection.

9. 收藏作为人的一种内在需要,早在原始社会便有了收藏观念的萌芽。这个时期的收藏行为等同于蓄藏和保存。
    Collections as an inherent need of the people, the concept of a budding collections happened in the primitive society, but equate to store.
