

蒸饼[zhēng bǐng]

词典steamed cake炊饼;蒸饼。

蒸饼 汉英大词典

蒸饼[zhēng bǐng]


steamed cake

蒸饼 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. steamed cake:花卷 steamed twisted roll; steamed roll | 蒸饼 steamed cake | 发面饼 leavened pancake

2. process drugs into cakes then steam them:蒸镑 softening drug by steaming and cutting it into pieces with Bang knife | 蒸饼 process drugs into cakes then steam them | 蒸法 steaming

蒸饼 双语例句

1. 蒸饼是什么意思

1. 佛山有许多小吃,如佛山扎蹄、大良野鸡卷、大良蹦沙、大良姜汁撞奶、炸牛奶、双皮奶、小凤饼,南海鱼生、大福饼、九江煎堆、三水狗仔鸭、水晶饺、甘笋蒸饼、佛山九层糕、石湾鱼脯、佛山柱侯酱、蚕蛹、白糖棉花糕、应记云吞面、金源酒家甘笋蒸饼、汾宁白糖棉花糕、大可以状元及第粥等许多小吃。
    Foshan has many snacks, such as Foshan, tie shoes, Daliang Pheasant volume, large-liang jumped sand, Daliang Ginger milk curd, fried milk, Shuangpi Nai, Xiaofeng cakes, South China Sea, sashimi, Tai Fook cake, Jiujiang, sesame balls, Sanshui paparazzi duck, crystal dumplings, carrot Zheng Bing, Foshan nine-cakes, dried fish, Shiwan, Foshan column Hou sauce, chrysalis, sugar, cotton, rice cake, should remember the wonton noodle, Jinyuan Restaurant carrot Zheng Bing, Fen-ning cotton, sugar cake, they can champion and third porridge, and many other snacks.

2. 蒸饼是什么意思

2. 主要原因是陆羽当时所处之时代是蒸饼,煮茶。
    That main cause is times of Lu Yu what that time gets along is steamed cake, cooks tea.

3. 早餐:蒸饼100克,米粥1碗(大米或小米50克),煮鸡蛋1个,蔬菜或咸菜适量。
    Breakfast:蒸饼100 grams, one bowl of congee (rice or millet 50 grams), a boiled egg, vegetables or pickles appropriate.

4. 馒头最早出现的时候,名字叫炊饼也叫蒸饼,是中原地区最受欢迎的主食。
    When they first emerged, steamed buns were called Chui cakes and steamed cakes. They are the most popular staple food in the Central Plains.
