

蒙在鼓里[méng zài gǔ li]

词典live in a drum蒙在鼓里。

词典be kept in the dark不明真相;蒙在鼓里。

词典not in the know蒙在鼓里。


词典be kept inside a drum蒙在鼓里。

蒙在鼓里 汉英大词典

蒙在鼓里[méng zài gǔ li]

live in a drum; be kept in the dark; not in the know; be kept inside a drum:

  例:谢谢你给我透了个信; 我真是蒙在鼓里呀!

    Thank you for bringing me the news. I've been living in the dark till now!

蒙在鼓里 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. in the dark:Isn't it amazing? 真不可思议! | in the dark 蒙在鼓里 | in the long run 从长远来看;最终,终究

2. Kept in the dark:I can't believe I couldn't see 我不能相信我看不见 | Kept in the dark 蒙在鼓里 | but you were there in front of me 但你却站在我的面前

3. 蒙在鼓里的解释

3. to be kept completely in the dark:美轮美奂 splendid and magnificant. | 蒙在鼓里 to be kept completely in the dark. | 面黄肌闳 thin and sticky in appearance.

4. Be in the dark:Be my guest 别客气 | Be in the dark 蒙在鼓里 | Its name says 听起来

蒙在鼓里 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 我是不愿意被蒙在鼓里的。
    I won't be kept in the dark.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 我和你一样被蒙在鼓里
    I`m as in the dark as you are.

3. 蒙在鼓里的反义词

3. 我是说 我怎么还被蒙在鼓里
    I mean, how could I not have known?

4. 蒙在鼓里的反义词

4. 你一直被蒙在鼓里,但你可以自己来写最后10页。
    You've been smoked, but you can write the last 10 pages.

5. 我一直被蒙在鼓里,妈的。
    I have been lied too. This is bull****.

6. 现在我感觉我的整个精神状态是四分五裂的,因为我一直被蒙在鼓里
    Right now I'm emotionally torn apart because I was kept in the dark.

7. 我感到她把我蒙在鼓里我必须要保持我的眼上,她不是'no在公园里散步但她想要提供这个Id,她想她所有的事情你看到她想画的这幅画,说她我宽广我有一个小提示词在阻止人们说我不该介入调查但是我不希望上街。
    I Got A Feeling She Keeps Me In The Dark I Gotta Get Keep My Eye On Her She Aint'no Walk In The Park Id Offer This But She Want That She She She Want It All You See She Wanted To Paint The Picture And Say She My Broad I Got A Little Tip From Word On The Block People Saying I Shouldn't Get Involved But I Don'Judge Or And Try To Chage It Cause You Are Who You Are Im Like The Drug She's Addicted To Me She Can't Leave Me Now She Always Makin Plans To Date...

8. 蒙在鼓里的反义词

8. 他计划将公司出售一事,我们一直都被蒙在鼓里
    We were completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 对他计划将公司出售一事,我们一直蒙在鼓里
    We were kept completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company.

10. 蒙在鼓里

10. 你激起了我的好奇心,现在你可不能再把我蒙在鼓里了。
    You have roused my curiosity, and now you must gratify it.

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

11. 你最好的朋友一直把你蒙在鼓里
      Is that your best friend has kept you in the dark.

12. 但是,你必须在捐赠这件事情上继续和我保持单线联系,因为我是丈夫的遗孀,只有我知道这笔巨款,我丈夫的任何亲戚都被蒙在鼓里
      However you have to keep this matter between you and me because this money wasnt known to any of my husband relative as a widow.

13. 轻 :符合名称darkling甲虫,他们宁愿蒙在鼓里
      Light: Consistent with the name darkling beetle, they prefer the dark.

14. 蒙在鼓里

14. 跟我说实话,我能挺住,可是我不能容忍被蒙在鼓里,求求你。
      Tell me the truth. I can bear it. I can't bear to be left in the dark. Prithee.

15. 从今往后不准把我蒙在鼓里
      From now on, keep me in the loop.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 你是否为优质的产品或服务制定了合理的价格?还是欺诈了你的客户,还侥幸希望他们蒙在鼓里
      Are you charging a fair price for a quality product or service, or are you bilking your customers and hoping they won`t notice?

17. 玛丽的两难处境是:把真相告诉老板从而失信于她的同事,还是老板蒙在鼓里从而辜负他的信任。
      All the payment stipulated in the Contract shall be effected in DEUTSCH MARK through an irrevocable letter of credit partial shipment allowed under the I. B. R.

18. 我给他们提供了声带自己却还蒙在鼓里
      I've provided them the soundtrack, unbeknownst to myself.

19. 蒙在鼓里的翻译

19. 我不愿意老是被蒙在鼓里
      I don't like to be kept in the dark all the time.

20. 本周的主题就是要决定你是宁愿蒙在鼓里傻乐呢,还是清醒但可能会痛苦着。
      This week is about deciding whether you'd rather be happy in the dark, or clued in but possibly miserable.
