

落落寡合[luò luò guǎ hé]



词典be [keep] aloof from people

词典an aloofness that keeps others at a distance落落寡合。


词典have few friends落落寡合。

落落寡合 汉英大词典

落落寡合[luò luò guǎ hé]

be [keep] aloof from people; aloof; an aloofness that keeps others at a distance; have few friends; standoffish; unsociable

落落寡合 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. lalaguage:沦落风尘lunlafengchen | 落落寡合lalaguage | 绿林好汉lulinhaohan

落落寡合 双语例句

1. 她不喜欢聚会,总是落落寡合
    She doesn't enjoy parties, and tends to stand aloof.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 这种人在自己亲友中可能终生落落寡合,在他们唯一熟悉的环境里也始终孑身独处。
    They may spend their whole lives aliens among their kindred and remain aloof among the only scenes they have ever known.

3. 点对多点无线局域网中直扩序列选取他是有一点落落寡合,不论在局内,还是在局外。
    Selection of Direct Spread Spectrum Sequence in Point to Multipoint Wireless Local Area Network Hs is a little detached, " both in and out the game ".

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 她有些落落寡合的样子。
    She had something of an estranged mien.

5. 落落寡合的翻译

5. 她有些落落寡合的样子。
    She had something of an estrange d mien.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 他已经变得落落寡合了,他一天天发现自己更难跟人和谐相处。
    He was becoming anti-social. Daily he found it a severer strain to be decent with people.

7. 落落寡合的意思

7. 430一个落落寡合,反复无常的人的影象。
    The image of a solitary mutable man.

8. 他不善于同他人相处,因而在多数社交场合中他总是落落寡合的。
    He did not easily mix with others, with the result that on most social occasions he was the old man out.

9. 我们从不自命清高。不过克莱拉就是在她的同事中间也显得落落寡合
    We never profess to be aloof from politics and material pursuit.

10. 落落寡合是什么意思

10. 她落落寡合,饱受猜忌。
    She was prone to isolation, prey to doubt.

11. 点对多点无线局域网中直扩序列选取他是有一点落落寡合,不论在局内,还是在局外。
      Selection of Direct Spread Spectrum Sequence in Point to Multipoint Wireless Local Area Network Hs is a little detached," both in and out the game ".
