萧然[xiāo rán]
[书] desolate; lonely
1. 当萧然的身影彻底在韩宸的视野中背弃而去的时候,韩宸还孤独的站在公园拐角的黑暗中,世界在这一刻停止了呼吸。
Chen is standing still for a long time until Xiao`s figure viewed from back disappeared out of his sight completely, halting all the breathe of the world.
2. 萧然的决定是对的。
Chen has to admit that Xiao`s decision is right.
3. 除了孤独,一个人在岛上的生活倒也萧然。
Apart from loneliness, there is nothing unpleasant about living on an island alone.
4. 世上很多事物本来就没有为什么?这也是萧然对韩宸说的一句话。
Perhaps too many things have no any reason at all, which is told to him by Xiao.
5. 她的悲惨经历让很多听众萧然泪下。
Her harrowing experiences brought many of the audience to tears.
6. 这个结局本是两个人必然面对的。所以韩宸觉得年轻的萧然是理智的,清醒的,果断的。
Both of them must brave to face this consequences, so Chen feel young Xiao has the wit to do it, sober and without hesitation.
7. 萧然的反义词
7. 仅做着我该做的事,却无精打采,怨言四起,满目萧然。
Only did I do, but listlessly, four complaints, 萧然everywhere.
8. 萧然什么意思
8. 四壁萧然,惟有一张复印的竞选讲话贴在一堵墙上。
The walls of the room were bare except for a copy of an election adress.
9. 萧然表情木然地站在十字路口,脑海中似乎有记忆的碎屑吹过,闷热的空气中感觉还飘着韩宸为他歌唱的声音。
Chen`s hands are shaking all the way at the moment when he mobilizes his car, and full of sweet in such a scorching summer evenfall.
10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
10. 他把那间几乎是环堵萧然的小客厅稍稍扫视一下,就问她现在有什么打算。
And looking round the little almost empty drawing-room, he had asked her what she was going to do now.
11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
11. 奔放而不失优雅,有时恍如造化在阳光照耀下的山腰傲笑;萧然执着的单调重复,恍如风声飒然;号声响彻纵横交错的森林,继而是渐渐消失的回声;波浪平缓飘荡,可是一会儿又汹涌澎湃,怒涛冲击,隆隆作响,沉重有力;间隙传来尖利洪亮的笑声;偶尔怪诞,如同造化有时喜怒无常--不过大体还是自然而然,从容自在,无忧无虑--往往宛如赤身露体的孩童在玩耍或沉睡时神态可掬。
Dainty abandon, sometimes as if nature laughing on a hillside in the SUN shine; serious and firm monotonies, as of winds; a horn sounding through the tangle of the forest, and the dying echoes; soothing floating of waves, but presently rising in surges, angrily lashing, muttering, heavy; piercing peals of laughter, for interstices; now and then weird, as nature herself is in certain moods --but mainly spontaneous, easy, careless --often the sentiment of the postures of naked children playing or sleeping.
12. 依旧绿意盎然,在满目萧然中格外显眼。
Still green, particularly in a conspicuous place in everywhere.
13. danci.911cha.com
13. 北方的春姑娘总是姗姗来迟,如今三月已至,却还是满目萧然。
North Spring girl is always late, and now in March has been to, but it is still everywhere XIAORAN.
14. 萧然执着的单调重复,恍如风声飒然。
Serious and firm monotonies, as of winds.
15. 萧然什么意思
15. 环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结,箪瓢屡空,晏如也。
Central blocking萧然not cover wind days; short brown dress knot repeated scoop live in space, such as Yan also.
16. 移情山水,萧然忘羁论中国山水人物画的意境天人合一
On the Artistic Conception of Traditional Chinese Painting & The Integration of Heaven and Human
17. 她家四壁萧然,空空荡荡什么都没有。
There is nothing but four walls inside her home.
18. 一贫如洗的家庭、缺衣乏食的家、四壁萧然的房屋。
Poverty -stricken families, homes, housing
19. 这是一个满目凄凉的贫贱之家,四壁萧然,门窗破败,屋里没有炉火,床上被褥褴褛,病弱的母亲抱着啼哭的婴儿,一群面黄肌瘦、饥肠辘辘的孩子披着一张破被缩成一团。
E8 h(h A poor, bare, miserable room it was, with broken windows, no fire, ragged bedclothes, a sick mother, wailing baby, and a group of pale, hungry children cuddled under one old quilt, trying to keep warm./?