



菊花节 双语例句

1. 菊花历来被视为孤标亮节、高雅做霜的象征,代表着名士的斯文与友情。
    Chrysanthemum has long been regarded as a standard light section alone, a symbol of elegant cream made on behalf of Sven and the famous friendship.

2. 菊花节

2. 包括春游节,莲花节,和菊花节
    Including the Spring Outing Festival, the Lotus Flower Festival, and the Chrysanthemum Festival.

3. 最让游客感兴趣的还是首尔游乐场每季举办的游园活动和夜间的休闲表演。4-5月的康乃馨节,7-8月的樱花玫瑰花节,9-10月的菊花节,12-2月的雪花节等等。
    The pride of Seoul Land is its wide selection of seasonal festivals and the unique Laser Show held during the evening.

4. 据16日召开的第7届中国花卉博览会倒计时100天新闻发布会介绍,首届菊花节分为以北京小菊为主的地被花卉展
    It is held on the 16th of the 7th China Flower Expo 100-day countdown to the press conference, the Chrysanthemum Festival is divided into first to Beijing by Small Inflorescences mainly Flower Show

5. 并自当年起,每年以滁菊为媒举办一次节日,先后在上海,南京等地成功举办了推介会,前不久,又在人民大会堂成功举办了2006年菊花节北京之旅活动。
    And since that time, the annual Chu Ju hold a festival for the media, in Shanghai, Nanjing and held the promotion will be successful, not long ago, it successfully held in the Great Hall of the Chrysanthemum Festival 2006 trip to Beijing activities.

6. 菊花节是什么意思

6. 重阳日,历来就有赏菊花的风俗,所以古来又称菊花节
    Chongyang, there has always been the custom tours chrysanthemum, the Chrysanthemum Festival, also known since ancient times.

7. 因为阿牛是九月初九找到这株白菊花的,所以后来人们就将九月九称作菊花节,并形成了赏菊花、吃菊花茶、饮菊花酒等风俗。
    Because Aniu September Chujiu find this line of white chrysanthemums, then people will be September 9 called the Chrysanthemum Festival, tours and formed a daisy, chrysanthemum tea to eat, drink chrysanthemum wine, and other customs.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 这里的公共园林规划是一流的:礼花广场、喷泉广场、豪华转马广场、伞塔广场、方舟湖草坪广场、万人草坪广场、滨水之舟广场……或依湖而建,或豁然开朗;或高踞绿丘,或错落分层;这里的节日庆典是纷繁的:泰国风情节、国际商务节、流行音乐节、国际风情节、金秋菊花展、三星儿童绘画大赛……或商务、或公益,或万人攒动,或炫歌震天。
    On gala days, here is always full of joyous people and wonderful songs.
