


词典wilderness overgrown with grass莽原。

莽原 双语例句

1. 那于晚间悄然在雨中沐浴的高草低木自不必说,依然如过去的那些日子,让人感觉呼吸的不是一种香,而是一座翠绿的莽原
    It quietly in the rain shower in the evening high grass low tree Needless to say, still as in the past of those days, people feel a kind of incense is not breathing, but a green wilderness.

2. 河谷两岸,一边是起伏峻险的茶纳山,一边是连绵不断的莽原,中间是一片宽阔平坦、肥沃丰腴的盆地,使整个峡谷成为一个巨大的天然库区。
    Valley. undulating grim And dangerous side of the tea Jahorina And the other side is a continuous wilderness, there is a broad And smooth, fertile complexity of the basin, the whole valley into a huge natural reservoir.

3. 莽原什么意思

3. 莽原社、未名社和狂飙社也是在1920年代中后期的中国文坛上产生过一定影响的文学社团。
    As an important figure and editor in Mang Yuan She, Gao got much praise and help from Lu Xun.

4. 鲁迅是莽原社和未名社的领袖人物,这两个社团的其余成员均为崇仰鲁迅的思想、文学与人格的青年作家。
    With the later leaving Peking for shanghai, a fierce conflict arose in Mang Yuan She between Kuang Biao She Writer Groups and An Hui Writers Group.

5. 莽原

5. 一个人要是懂得,到了莽原上时该怎么办,那是很有用处的。
    It was needful a man should know what he was doing when he went upon the heather.

6. 莽原的解释

6. 不用说,法兰西是个美丽的地方,可是我是太怀念那莽原和麋鹿了。
    France is a braw place, no doubt, but I weary for the heather and the deer.

7. 不用说,法兰西是个美丽的地方,可是我怀念那莽原和麋鹿。
    France is a braw place, no doubt, but I weary for the heather and the deer

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 这是我知道的,凡我所编辑的期刊,大概是因为往往有始无终之故罢,销行一向就甚为寥落,然而在这样的生活艰难中,毅然预定了《莽原》全年的就有她。
    Yet in spite of financial difficulties, she was one of those who ordered The Wilderness quite generously for a whole year.

9. 这是我知道的,凡我所编辑的期刊,大概是因为往往有始无终之故罢,销行一向就甚为寥落,然而在这样的生活艰难中,毅然预定了《莽原》全年的就有她。
    Yet in spite of financial difficulties, she was one of those who took the risk of ordering Thorny Plain for a whole year.

10. 莽原的近义词

10. 我们的发现於2006年1月发表之后,他们重新分析了1988年由委内瑞拉莽原的空气样本所测得的结果,并推断有3000~6000万公吨的甲烷,可能是由这些地区的植物所释放。
    After our findings were published in January 2006, they reanalyzed measurements made in 1988 of air samples from the Venezuelan savanna and concluded that 30 million to 60 million metric tons of methane could be released from vegetation in these regions.

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11. 科罗拉多崎岖不平的莽原区被命名的各个山峰,比如玛塞丽娜山秋天的时候就变成金色了。
      Colorado's Raggeds Wilderness named for peaks like Marcellina Mountain turns to gold in autumn.

12. 在经历了弗吉尼亚莽原战役、斯波特瑟尔韦尼亚战役和冷港战役等血腥之战后,谢尔曼挺进乔治亚州。在包围了弗吉尼亚的彼特斯堡,战争告一段落了。
      After bloody battles in Virginia's wilderness, at Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor, and Sherman's march through Georgia, the war stalled in a siege of Petersburg, Virginia.

13. 格兰特开始实行消耗战略,他不顾联邦军在莽原战役和斯波特瑟尔韦尼亚县府战役中的惨重伤亡,开始包围李将军在维吉尼亚州彼得斯堡的军队。
      He Began a strategy of attrition and, despite heavy Union casualties at the Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania, Began to surround Lee's troops in Petersburg, Va.

14. 莽原

14. 土生土长的莽原莠草,散布遍生的金雀花丛,竞相占据那贫瘠的表层土壤。它们与盛夏的烈日骄阳作斗争,同隆冬的严霜沆砀相抗衡,直面从大西洋或北海不断扑来的疾风,四时代序,从未停歇。它们极尽可能地成列生长,以弥补天地生灵遗留的空隙。
      The native grasses and weeds, the scattered patches of gorse, contended with one another for the possession of the scanty surface soil; they fought against the droughts of summer, the frosts of winter, and the furious gales which swept with unbroken force, now from the Atlantic, and now from the North Sea, at all times of the year; they filled up, as they might, the gaps made in their ranks by all sorts of underground and overground animal ravagers.
