

莱子 双语例句

1. 老莱子之弟子出薪,遇仲尼,反以告,曰:「有人于彼,修上而趋下,末偻而后耳,视若营四海,不知其谁氏之子。
    His eyes show that he has ambition to rule the whole world. Who is he?

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2. 孔子被请进来后,老莱子对孔子说:「孔兄啊!
    After Confucius was invited to come in, Laolaizi said to Confucius, Confucius!

3. 莱子的翻译

3. 不知道她小时候更喜欢万人迷小莱子,还是更喜欢偶葱白的阿拉贡咧!?
    I was a young teen-ager when I first read them. I still feel great pleasure whenever I pick up those books.

4. 老莱子的弟子有一天在外面砍柴,回来时他在门口看见一位陌生人。
    One of Laolaizi's disciples who chopped firewood in the wild field, when backed, he saw a stranger standing by the gate.

5. 莱子的翻译

5. 老莱子认为我的态度有问题,是这样吗?
    Laolaizi thought that my attitude was of problem, wasn`t it?

6. 老莱子兴奋地说:「这人必定是孔丘,天下没有第二个人会像他那样,快出去请他进来。
    Laolaizi said excitedly, He must be Confucius. There is no other man like that.

7. 他对老莱子说:「谢谢你的提醒,如果我改正自己的态度,国君、权贵们就会接受我,让我一展宏图吗?
    He said, Thank you for your reminding. If I corrected my attitude, could the king and the ministers receive me?

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8. 这位弟子回校后对老莱子说:「我在外面碰到一个非常奇特的人。
    After come back, the disciple told Laolazi, I see a very strange man outside.
