

莫逆之交[mò nì zhī jiāo]


词典friends with complete mutual understanding莫逆之交。

词典an intimate friendship莫逆之交。

词典become the firmest of friends莫逆之交。


词典be on the best of terms莫逆之交。

词典David and Jonathan莫逆之交;管鲍之交。

莫逆之交 汉英大词典

莫逆之交[mò nì zhī jiāo]

friends with complete mutual understanding; an intimate friendship; become the firmest of friends; be on the best of terms; bosom friends; Damon and Pythias; David and Jonathan; one's intimate friend

莫逆之交 网络解释

1. side-kick:side money 外快 | side-kick 莫逆之交 | sign up for 报名参加

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2. sworn friend:sworn evidence 呈堂证供 | sworn friend 莫逆之交 | sworn 宣誓

3. damon and pythias:damoiselle 少女 | damon and pythias 莫逆之交 | damosel 少女

4. 莫逆之交的反义词

4. David and Jonathan:davenport 长椅 | David and Jonathan 莫逆之交 | David 大卫

莫逆之交 双语例句

1. 莫逆之交

1. 小三的男友阿宾,透过阿国把小英的信copy了一份给小三,在几次因缘际会的交错中,小三和小台成了莫逆之交,但这却使得小三、小台、阿宾、阿国,四人的命运也因此作了一次攸关生死的无奈安排。
    San's boyfriend Bin was finally able copy Yin's letter to San through a cop Kuo. After many coincidences, San and Tai become very close friends. Meanwhile, San, Tai, Bin, Kuo's fates are rearranged by god.

2. 马鸿斌先生是我多年的好友,大家因为赏石,爱石,藏石,就越走越近,成了莫逆之交
    Mr. Ma Hong Bin is my old friend several years ago. Because we are all enjoy, love and collect stone, so we become good friend.

3. 我把他看成我的莫逆之交
    I look him down as my sworn friend.

4. 莫逆之交的意思

4. 他是我的莫逆之交
    I look him down as a sworn friend.

5. 莫逆之交的翻译

5. 他把我看成是莫逆之交
    He looks me down as a sworn friend.

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6. 现在是我的莫逆之交而日后可能是我的敌人。
    Now my sworn friend and then mine enemy.

7. 莫逆之交的反义词

7. 我把他当作莫逆之交
    I look him down a sworn friend!

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8. 不论是否属于命中注定,但正是因为在美国,我才拥有这些心灵和思想的莫逆之交
    Whether or not so intending, it was America gave me these enduring friends of my heart and mind.

9. 那两个素昧平生的人在地震中互相帮助,后来成了莫逆之交
    The two strangers helped each other during the earthquake and later became Damon and Pythias.

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10. 约拿丹之于大卫正像和达蒙之于皮西厄斯;他们是两对典型的莫逆之交
    Johnthan was to David what Damon was to Pythias; they were two typical pairs of devoted friends.

11. 莫逆之交是什么意思

11. 本故事细致刻画出一段从陌生人变成莫逆之交的真挚友谊,情感深刻细腻,感人肺腑,绝对能感动每位观众的心灵。
      The movie has profoundly portrayed a true friendship of two strangers with delicately illustrated sentiments and heart-touching scenario.

12. 莫逆之交在线翻译

12. 莫逆之交,就是那个在全世界都摒弃你的时候,向你敞开怀抱的人。
      A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

13. 一本好书,莫逆之交
      A good book is a good friend.

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14. 有此终身莫逆之交,且莫逆没有尽头。
      You have a forever friend for life, And forever has no end.

15. 雷柯和爵德两人为莫逆之交,但雷柯在后来竟成了大罪犯,他和爵德都是取执法委员身上的基因培育出来的超级人种,因此现在唯一能将雷柯绳之於法的,只有爵德一人了。。。。
      LeiKe and jenn-air DE for friends, but LeiKe later in a big criminals, and hes taken are members of the law on ethnic genetic breeding, therefore the super LeiKeSheng will now only in Germany, only one wo3-based...

16. 一个老神甫和一个老战士,只要彼此都诚恳善良,原是最容易情投意合成为莫逆之交的。
      And moreover, when both are sincere and good, no men so penetrate each other, and so amalgamate with each other, as an old priest and an old soldier.

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17. 您是我在世界上的最高尚的莫逆之交
      You are the best friend I have in the world and the noblest.

18. 莫逆之交在线翻译

18. 以前他们曾是结拜兄弟、莫逆之交,但现在他们成了死敌。
      They used to be were sworn brothers and friends, but now they have become sworn enemies.

19. 莫逆之交

19. 正是这一小群人,成了莫逆之交,各自寻找着新的归宿。
      Together they form a close-knit group of jahaj-thais (ship-brothers), each searching for a new destiny.

20. 我们看到了莫逆之交的朋友和挚爱之人在恶梦般的虫族手中丧生。
      We have seen first hand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish Zerg.
