

草草了事[cǎo cǎo liǎo shì]

词典get throught a thing carelessly草草了事。


词典do a thing carelessly草草了事;苟且了事。

词典finish a job carelessly [roughly]

词典get a job done any old way草草了事。

草草了事 汉英大词典

草草了事[cǎo cǎo liǎo shì]

get throught a thing carelessly; do a thing carelessly; finish a job carelessly [roughly]; get a job done any old way; get through with sth. any old way; patch up a business; rashly done

草草了事 双语例句

1. 草草了事

1. 相比于让这个法术的消耗更低,我们更可能将它改变为只能偷取对法师有益的法术,不过这在某些情况下是一种buff而在其他的情况下可能是一种nerf,所以这不应是一个草草了事的改动。
    Let the magic compared to lower consumption, we are more likely to change as it can only be useful to steal for the Master of magic, but in some cases this is a buff while in other cases may be a nerf Therefore, this should not be too hasty changes.

2. 草草了事在线翻译

2. 同时建议声乐教学者和学习者要对早期意大利歌曲引起重视,深入这些作品的内部学习,尊重这一时期作品的演唱风格和特点,而不能只是做表面文章、草草了事
    It also suggests to vocal art teachers and learners to attach moreimportance to early Italian songs, go deep into them to study and pay duerespect to the singing style and features of these works. We should nottake them at face value and give them rash and careless treatment.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 很多同学在做此题时会遇到以下几点困惑:第一、拿过题来不知如何下手;第二、特别是在读不懂文章的时候,或丢掉不做或草草了事,得分率很低。
    At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.

4. 草草了事

4. 也不想在这沙发上草草了事
    I don't want it to be for a quickie on this couch.

5. 草草了事在线翻译

5. 政客们总是虚应故事地对公司总裁们进行质疑,到头来,再申斥一顿就草草了事,这样的场景,我们都看腻了。
    We're tired of seeing politicians make slim attempts to question CEOs, and in the end do nothing but scold them.

6. 草草了事

6. 它从一个背面不正映了会员卡制息后担心插工息者认假担当、草草了事的工息态度。
    It is a reflection of the membership card before professionals responsible, senous employees'attitude.

7. 因此主持人的语言技巧不能粗枝大叶,草草了事,只有更好的运用语言技巧才能让个节目生动和活力起来。
    The anchor person language artifice can not sketchy, do a thing carelessly therefore, the ability wielding language artifice only when much better lets the vivid sum of program vigour get up.

8. 世界上所有的天才艺术家绝对不会对自己的作品草草了事,不会偷懒和拖拖拉拉。
    All the talent in the world won't make up for rushed work, laziness, or procrastination.

9. 至少,他们在谈起我时,这位为人楷模的人自忖,会认为我并非未尽公职或草草了事
    " At least, they shall say of me, " thought this exemplary man, " that I leave no public duty unperformed or ill-performed!"

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 已经没有感觉了,就是做也是草草了事
    There is no feeling that is too hasty to do.

11. 你不会随随便便接受某件事情就继续,大略了解表面就草草了事你不会满意;
      You don't simply take things as they are and move on; you're not content skimming along on the surface;

12. 每每信誓旦旦要减肥,却总是草草了事
      Often vowed to lose weight, but it always has been too hasty.

13. 交给你办的事不可草草了事
      Do not slight over the work assigned you.

14. 草草了事的近义词

14. 大多数美国人吃早午餐草草了事,除非是在社交、公务或家人欢聚的场合。
      Most Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is a social, business, or family occasion.

15. 草草了事的近义词

15. 你不可以这样草草了事
      You can't rush a job like this.

16. 草草了事的翻译

16. 但是,我觉得这只是养成了草草了事的厨房习惯:不到有业务价值需要部署时,我们都很难想到去部署代码。
      Often, however I think we simply fall into sloppy kitchen habits: we don't see why you should deploy the code until there's business value to deploy.

17. 他的介绍草草了事,显然无关紧要。
      His introduction went fast, and obviously didn't matter.

18. 我的朋友们一致反对我不顾自己的名声,得不到什么赔偿就这样草草了事
      All my friends were unanimous not to let me so far neglect my character as to adjust a thing of this kind without reparation.

19. 草草了事什么意思

19. 他们技术高明的主要原因就是对结肠内壁进行彻底仔细的检查,反对草草了事
      A major factor in their success was taking enough time to examine the colon thoroughly, as opposed to rushing through the procedure.

20. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

20. 虽然在考试时加紧努力,但是却在作业方面草草了事
      I should admit that I did a very simply job for my assignments, even I study hard for my exam.
