

草寇[cǎo kòu]

词典bandits盗匪;盗贼;土匪,强盗( bandit的名词复数 );草寇。


词典robbers in the greenwood草寇;草贼。

草寇 汉英大词典

草寇[cǎo kòu]


(旧指出没山林的强盗) robbers in the greenwood; bandits

草寇 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. brigand:bandit 强盗,土匪 | brigand (书面用语) 强盗,土匪,盗贼,草寇 | hooligan 流氓,不良分子

2. brigand n:bandit n.强盗,土匪 | brigand n.强盗,土匪,草寇,盗贼. | hooligan n.流氓,不良分子

草寇 双语例句

1. 倒不是因为宋江所虑的落得“草寇”之名,而是因为那不是一条社会出路。
    It is not because of the worry Song Jiang was " bandits " in the name, but because it is not a social outlet.

2. 草寇的意思

2. 对。关于像一些草寇英雄。他们跑到山里去。
    Right, about like bandits heroes who go to the mountains.

3. 草寇

3. 如果其已癌变,兆示起义者有了精神纲领,中有蛊惑者,这样的草寇是最危险的。
    This kind of robber is the most dangerous.

4. 草寇

4. 他们是河南少林的武打者,是山东的草寇,是对抗皇家的暴徒,他们统领了中国的各个朝代,他们也是中国战争冒险小说人物来源。
    They are the Honan boxers, the Shantung bandits and the imperial brigands who have furnished China with all the native imperial dynasties, the raw mterial from which the characters of Chinese novels of wars and advernture are drawn.

5. 梁山绿林,落落草寇,成败得失转头空。
    Opening time: 3 pm, May 1st, 2008

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 倒不是因为宋江所虑的落得“草寇”之名,而是因为那不是一条社会出路。
    It is not because of the worry Song Jiang was " bandits " in the name, but because it is not a social outlet.
