

英雄难过美人关[yīnɡ xiónɡ nán ɡuò měi rén ɡuān]



英雄难过美人关 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 第一集《味分高下》的嘉宾欧阳震华、蒙嘉慧、孙耀威和徐淑敏分成两组作赛,贾晓晨、落选港姐麦皓儿、郑莹莹等八位担任「味之天使」,孙耀威一眼洃丑u梳打」JJ,忍不住露出一副U样,正所谓「英雄难过美人关」,孙耀威结果被美色所累。
    The guests of the first episode included Au Yeung Chun Wah, Mung Ka Wai, Eric and Chui Suk Man who were divided into two teams for competition. The eight taste's angels were Jia Xiao Chen, Mak Ho Yee and Cheng Ying Ying. Eric liked Jia Xiao Chen at first sight and took fond looks at her. Even a hero finds it hard going against a beauty. As a result he lost the game because of the beauty.

2. 因贪色而翻了人生之船的不可胜数,正所谓:英雄难过美人关
    For women over the life of the countless, alleged: Hero sad beauty!

3. 你们中国的俗语说得好,英雄难过美人关
    Every hero fails to pull through beauty pass, as the Chinese saying goes.
