苦果[kǔ guǒ]
bitter pill
1. 苦果什么意思
1. bitter fruit--something unpleasant as a result of some action:酷毙extremely cool; the coolest | 苦果bitter fruit-something unpleasant as a result of some action | 哭穷complain about impoverishment; pretend to be poor
2. 苦果是什么意思
2. Bitter Fruit:洛阳桥(豫剧) THE LUOYANG BRIDGE(1982) | 苦果 BITTER FRUIT(1981) | 摸花轿(安徽花鼓戏) LIU LANG AND LAN HUA(1979)
3. bitter fruit--something unpleasant as a result of:酷毙 extremely cool; the coolest | 苦果 bitter fruit--something unpleasant as a result of | 哭穷 complain about impoverishment;pretend to be poor
4. bitte:口头禅 pet phrase | 酷毙 extremely cool; the coolest | 苦果 bitte