1. 从俄罗斯解密档案看苏芬战争
A View of Soviet-Finland War From the Declassification Files of Russia
2. 苏芬战争使挪威问题尖锐化。
The Russo-Finnish war made the problem of Norway acute.
3. 老兵们告诉我们,在苏芬战争之前,他们更多的受训怎样行军,背诵怎么射击的口诀。
The older soldiers said that before the war against Finland, they were taught more about how to march and recite slogans than how to shoot.
4. 苏芬战争的近义词
4. 苏芬战争爆发后,盟国对战争采取了较为谨慎的态度。
After the outbreak of the war, the western countries has taken a more cautious attitude.
5. 的第四章分析了苏芬战争的影响。
Chapter ⅳ of this paper analyses the impact of the Soviet & Finnish War.
6. 苏芬战争在线翻译
6. 苏芬战争分为两个阶段,在战争的第一阶段,苏军的进攻遭遇到芬兰军民的顽强抵抗,严重受挫。
The Soviet & Finnish War was divided into two stages. Soviet offensive encountered so stubborn resistance from Finland that she suffered Serious setback in the first phase of the war.