

花香鸟语[huā xiānɡ niǎo yǔ]



花香鸟语 双语例句

1. 四周绿树成荫,花香鸟语不绝于耳,为您提供了良好的休息环境。
    Around the tree-lined, Huaxiangniaoyu prevalent, to provide you with a good rest of the environment.

2. 景区内岛幽海清,树茂草丰,花香鸟语,是集生态旅游、自然野趣和海水浴、日光浴、沙浴、海边垂钓等多种娱乐内容为一体的正在建设的休闲度假旅游区。
    Scenic sea secluded island clearance, tree Mau Tso Fung, hua xiang niao yu is an eco-tourism, natural and wild sea, sun, sand bath, the sea fishing and other entertainment content for the one under construction, tourism and leisure.

3. 用习惯和智慧创造奇迹,用理想和信心换取动力。19。北大清华少年心,花香鸟语春天事。
    With the habit of performing miracles and wisdom, vision and confidence to use in exchange for power.

4. 三月的一天早上,细雨蒙蒙,地上落花无数,清新的空气中花香鸟语
    One morning in March, misty rain, the ground countless fallen flowers, fresh air Huaxiangniaoyu.

5. 花香鸟语什么意思

5. 一个延袭数百年的林木茂密,花香鸟语的闹市中的良好自然景观,就这样在短短的十多年间,葬送在日本侵略军和反动军阀的魔掌之中。
    An extended passage for hundreds of years of mature woodlands Huaxiangniaoyu the busy streets of the natural landscape well, so in a short period of ten years or so, put an end to the invading Japanese army and the evil hands of reactionary warlords.

6. 北大清华少年心,花香鸟语春天事。
    Peking University, Tsinghua juvenile heart, things spring.

7. 花香鸟语什么意思

7. 这般明朗的早晨常常总会把思嘉引到窗口,倚在窗棂上领略塔拉农场的花香鸟语
    Such a glowing morning usually called Scarlett to the window, to lean arms on the broad sill and drink in the scents and sounds of Tara.

8. 花香鸟语是什么意思

8. 从此,我再也喝不到香甜的溪水,再也听不到小鸟的歌唱,再也呼吸不到新鲜的空气了,花香鸟语的生活也成了我美好的回忆
    Since then, I never drink it sweet river water could no longer hear the birds singing, no longer breathe fresh air, and Huaxiangniaoyu's life became my good memories......
