

Clusters of flowers;
花簇簇 双语例句

1. 花簇簇的意思

1. 槐树花露出了醉人的笑脸,串串的花簇簇相拥,醉了五月的梦。
    Locust tree flower show the smiling faces of the magnificent, embracing簇簇strings of flowers, dream drunk in May.

2. 花簇簇什么意思

2. 疗肺草一种肺草属的欧洲植物,有长茎的叶子,卷曲的一簇簇的蓝色花或紫色花。通常用于治疗肺病
    Any of several European plants of the genus Pulmonaria, having long-stalked leaves and coiled clusters of blue or purple flowers and formerly used in treating respiratory disorders.

3. 花簇簇的反义词

3. 在我心里,我看到了我劳动的成果:一簇簇鲜艳、芳香的花弥漫在我厨房窗外的空气中。
    In my mind, I saw the fruits of my labor: masses of color and fragrance perfuming the air just outside my kitchen window.
