节衣缩食[jié yī suō shí]
词典scant oneself in food and clothes:节衣缩食。
词典be more economical:节衣缩食;减衣缩食。
词典economize food and clothing:节衣缩食。
词典economize [scrimp] on food and clothing
节衣缩食[jié yī suō shí]
scant oneself in food and clothes; be more economical; economize food and clothing; economize [scrimp] on food and clothing; live frugally; practise austerity; practise strict economy; save on food and clothing; skimp on one's own food and clothing:
例:我们节衣缩食, 积蓄了够买一台彩电的钱。
By using economy in buying food and clothes, we were able to save enough money for a new colour TV set.
1. 节衣缩食的解释
1. Tighten one's belt:Ring a bell 看上去或听起来非常熟悉 | Tighten one's belt 节衣缩食 | Get to the bottom of something 弄清真相
2. Tighten your belt:Tight ship 管理完善的企业,家庭和组织 | Tighten your belt 节衣缩食 | Till the cows come home 无限期地
3. to reduce expenses on clothing and food:街头巷尾 throughout the city. | 节衣缩食 to reduce expenses on clothing and food. | 洁身自好 to exercise self-control so as to protect oneself from immorality.