

节哀[jié āi]


词典restrain one's grief节哀。

节哀 汉英大词典

节哀[jié āi]

[书] restrain one's grief

节哀 网络解释

1. 节哀

1. ABYD:节育 ABYB | 巧取豪夺ABYC | 节哀 ABYD

2. With Sympathy:67. Congratulation Mom 恭喜你,妈妈 | 68. With Sympathy 节哀 | 69. You're the Only One for Me 你是我的唯一

3. overcome one's grief:联谊会 fraternity, get-together | 节哀 overcome one's grief | 拖欠 to not pay on time (salary, bills, etc.)

节哀 双语例句

1. 很高兴见到你,请节哀
    Well, it's lovely to see you.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 这位是我的朋友 Bob -节哀
    This is my friend Bob.

3. 不过,我还是希望你能在这个悲伤的时刻节哀
    But let me hope you will moderate your sorrow on this sad occasion.

4. 她直到现在还不能对她丈夫的死节哀
    She hasn't been able to snap out of the death of her husband.

5. 希望你能节哀顺变,继续积极向上,做个有用的人,她老人家定会含笑九泉。
    Our thoughts are with you and your family at this most difficult time of loss.

6. 他似乎对母亲的死节哀顺变了。
    He seemed resigned to his mother's death.

7. 节哀什么意思

7. 我真不知道该说什么好,请节哀顺变。
    I'm so sorry for you loss.

8. 望他的亲人和朋友们节哀顺变。
    My thoughts are with his family and friends.

9. 问题是,如果你告诉一个Blogger您的产品是否A和B ,那么这样做更好的A和B ,或者您将赶上节哀顺变。
    The point is, if you tell a blogger your product does A and B, then it better do A and B, or you will catch grief.

10. 节哀是什么意思

10. 拿起手机,给大舅的大女儿发了一条短信:姐大舅一直在我们心里他去的一定是天堂节哀你们更要多珍重大舅一定是这样希望的。
    Even if i go to hell, i'll still be staring at you up in the paradise, praying for you.

11. 节哀顺便吧,那只蚱蜢安慰道。
      It's all right, @ comforted the grasshopper.

12. 节哀的反义词

12. 从语言实验看当代文学行文措辞学文学文体学视阈中的《别离辞·节哀
      See the Contemporary Literature Communicate Officially the Wording Learns from " the Language Experiment ";

13. 红色和粉色使人愉悦,有节哀的作用。
      Red and pink make people happy and have the action of restraining grief.

14. 节哀的意思

14. 但是要让他们对你说节哀顺变。
      But let them say condolences to you.

15. 节哀什么意思

15. 在接受培训的时侯,我们要说的一句安慰话是“请节哀顺变”,其实我们也知道,这句话带不了多少安慰。
      The phrase we're trained to offer them'I'm sorry for your loss', as we know now, does not offer much.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 从语言实验看当代文学行文措辞学文学文体学视阈中的《别离辞·节哀
      See the Contemporary Literature Communicate Officially the Wording Learns from " the Language Experiment ";
