

舅子[jiù zi]



词典wife's brother舅子;舅;妻舅。

舅子 汉英大词典

舅子[jiù zi]

[口] wife's brother; brother-in-law

舅子 网络解释

1. noeloue:noe 舅,女人的兄弟. | noeloue 舅子. | nof 问.

舅子 双语例句

1. 舅子

1. 刘太太也称赞丈夫心思敏捷,只担心方鸿渐本领太糟,要大舅子替他捧牢饭碗。他的推理使我们难以理解。
    Mrs. Liu also approved of her husband's keen reasoning, her only qualm being that Fang was so inept and would need her husband to keep his job for him

2. 刘太太也称赞丈夫心思敏捷,只担心方鸿渐本领太糟,要大舅子替他捧牢饭碗。
    Mrs. Liu also approved of her husband's keen reasoning, her only qualm being that Fang was so inept and would need her husband to keep his job FOR him

3. 舅子的意思

3. 但是你知道,他是我的小舅子
    Oh, but you know, he's my brother -in-law.

4. 舅子是什么意思

4. 但你知道,他是我的小舅子
    Bob:Oh, but you know, he's my brother-in-law.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 我不希望你因为有小舅子在场。。。
    ALAN: And also, I don't want you to feel like you have to hold back...

6. 舅子是什么意思

6. 要是我的小舅子再想问我借钱,那他是找错了门了。
    If my brother-in-law hopes to borrow any more money from me, he will be barking up the wrong tree.

7. 我的小舅子六个月以前从我这里借了200块,现在也没有还给我。
    My brother-in-law borrowed $200 from me six months ago and never paid me back.

8. 舅子是什么意思

8. 那个黑人给他小舅子打了个电话,让他来接他们。
    The Negro gave a phone call to his brother-in-law and asked him to pick them up.

9. 再说了 你不光是我小舅子你现在是我兄弟了
    Besides, you're not just my wife's brother, you're my brother now.

10. 他还试着写诗,有时会被四舅看轻,而我们的父亲晴山倒是挺支持这名小舅子的创作,在这首诗中以鸡林贾譬喻五舅,便隐含赞扬他对诗词有极大兴趣的用意。
    In the art of poetry, he was looked down somewhat by 4th Uncle, but our father Qing-shan was a lot more sympathetic towards his younger brother-in-law's attempt at poetry.

11. 或许,小舅子最需要的不是打甲办,不是网友的苦口婆心,不是170万的房子,不是老婆,不是好名声。。。。。。
      You are definitely blind, I am not your brother-in-law. It is so unfortunate that your mother did not bear enough sisters for you.

12. 我舅子是纽约时报的记者。
      My brother-in-law is a reporter on The New York Times staff.

13. 舅子的意思

13. 他的朋友过于缓慢,所以比较丰富舅子成功尝试。
      Zhang's friend was too slow, so the more experienced brother-in-law tried and succeeded.

14. 舅子

14. 中国古装电影加上科幻元素,不知道有没有人想过这样的电影会变成什么,现在舅子啊横店拍摄这样一部电影。
      Chinese ancient costume films and science fiction elements, do not know to have people thought that the film will become what now? 'filming this movie.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 一连武装的兵居然连几个徒手的丘八也捉不到,哪个舅子才相信!
      A whole company of armed troops can't nab a couple of weaponless dog-faces! What fool would believe that?

16. 舅子什么意思

16. 那个派对动物会是你的大舅子
      And that crazy party animal will be your brother-in-law.

17. 肯定是有感而发,让大舅子十分恼怒。
      Affirmation is to take in reponse to, let the big Jiu son angry very.

18. 于是隔天杰克就带着大舅子一起去打高尔夫球,大舅子在旁边看着他挥杆,可是球还是不见了。
      So, the next day jack took the brother-in-law with him to play golf. and while the brother looked on, jack swung. but the ball disappeared somewhere.

19. 在另外一桩洗钱案中,这位前领导人,他的妻子,儿子,儿媳,大舅子都被列为了被告。
      The ex-leader, his wife, son, daughter-in-law, and brother-in-law have all been named as defendants in a separate money laundering case.

20. 但从他古怪的判断来看,他或许还得跟俄勒冈州立大学男子篮球队主教练罗宾逊多学学──后者是奥巴马总统的大舅子
      But his erratic decision-making indicates he may want to spend some time with Craig Robinson, head coach of men's basketball at nationally ranked Oregon State University-and President Obama's brother-in-law.
