膘肥体壮[biāo féi tǐ zhuàng]
词典are plump and sturdy.:膘肥体壮。
膘肥体壮[biāo féi tǐ zhuàng]
(Animals) are plump and sturdy.
1. 战马膘肥体壮,昂首耸耳,目睁口张,那种一跃即发的神态,栩栩如生。马鞍垫上,依然可见许多雕刻着的璎珞和短带。
Their strong-limbed, well-fed horses, heads rearing and ears pricking, look lifelike and alert, ready to charge in an instant.
2. 膘肥体壮什么意思
2. 现在,内蒙古的一些饭店和旅游景点为使烤全羊的肉质更鲜美,在制作工艺上都融入了自家的小秘方,所以烤全羊的制法各色纷呈,但大体上基本一致:烤全羊要选择膘肥体壮的4齿3岁绵羊作原料,宰杀后用80度的热水浇烫羊的全身,趁热煺去羊毛;挖除内脏,用水洗净胸腔、腹腔,再用碱水洗净全身羊皮。
Now, Inner Mongolia's some hotels and tourist attractions for more delicious bake complete sheep in the flesh, the craft is embodied in his little secret, so bake complete sheep of the act, but generally consistent: bake complete sheep will choose BiaoFeiTiZhuang four teeth three years after the sheep as raw materials, killed by 80 degrees of hot water pouring hot, hot Tui sheep body to wool, Disadvantage visceral, rinse with water chest cavity, wash with buck, systemic sheep.
3. 房间里欢迎我的是一只膘肥体壮的老鼠,它看到我进门似乎有点儿吃惊。
I was greeted in my room by a very well-fed rat who seemed a bit surprised by my arrival.
4. 这就意味着在这些羊不必像以往那样吃得膘肥体壮。
As a result, the entire population on the island has gotten smaller over the past 25 years.
5. 因为土壤持续不断地受到膘肥体壮的动物体重的挤压,所以,这种对草地的密集使用也十分有害。
Intensively used grasslands are also harmed as the soil is continually crushed under the weight of heavy animals.
6. 它们吃了含有乳汁的酥油草,膘肥体壮,毛色格外发亮,好象每一根毛尖都冒着油星。
They are chewing the juicy grass which makes their fur sleek.
7. 准备每一个苗寨都养一头膘肥体壮的大水牯牛,这头牛不从事生产劳动,专门养着比赛用。
Miao Village each have custody of a flood膘肥体壮bull, which cattle do not engage in productive labor, specialized养着racing.
8. 奥兹格尔及同事提出,结果绵羊在一年当中更多的月份里可以吃到青草,这就意味着索艾羊不必象以往那样吃得膘肥体壮。
As a result, Ozgul and colleagues propose, grass has become available for more months of the year, meaning the Soay sheep do not have to bulk up as much.
9. 911查询·英语单词
9. 战马膘肥体壮,昂首耸耳,目睁口张,那种一跃即发的神态,栩栩如生。
Their strong-limbed, well-fed horses, heads rearing and ears pricking, look lifelike and alert, ready to charge forward in an instant.
10. 牲畜靠丰美的饲料养得膘肥体壮。搭配完美的服装,显得如此谐调合体。
The cattle battened on the plentiful fodder. Different parts of clothing are well matched to make a harmonious comBination.
11. 库图佐夫骑着自己的膘肥体壮的小白马,带领一大群对他不满意,一路上窃窃私语的随从人员前往多布罗耶。
Kutuzov, mounted on his fat, white little horse, was riding towards Dobroe, followed by an immense suite of generals, whispering their dissatisfaction behind his back.
12. 膘肥体壮什么意思
12. 女人说:“牛奶不是你的,我们让小牛吸,让它长得膘肥体壮,才能卖个好价钱。”
" The milk is not for you, " said the woman. " We will let the calf suck, so it will grow large and fat, and we can sell it for a good price. "
13. 膘肥体壮的反义词
13. 女人说:“牛奶不是你的,我们让小牛吸,让它长得膘肥体壮,才能卖个好价钱。”
" The milk is not for you," said the woman. " We will let the calf suck, so it will grow large and fat, and we can sell it for a good price. "