



词典palatal sound[医]腭音。


词典palatal tone[医]腭音,腭声。

腭音 网络解释

1. 腭音

1. palatal:overt thought有声思维 | palatal腭音 | paralinguistic副语言学的

2. u palatal:u alveolar: 齿龈音7 | u palatal: 腭音5 | u velar: 软腭音3

腭音 双语例句

1. 音段可以分成辅音和元音两类。有这么几种发音的方法:发音器官暂时或相对长时间地关闭口腔通道;发音器官空间缩小;或者,发音器官互相贴近形成不同形状的通道。发音方法:塞音,擦音,通音,边音。其他的辅音发音方法包括颤音,触音或闪音,塞擦音。辅音几乎可以产生于唇和声带之间的任何部位,国际音标表区别了其中11个发音部位。发音部位:双唇音,唇齿音,齿音,齿龈音,后齿龈音,卷舌音,腭音,软腭音,小舌音,咽音,声门音。
    The sound segments are grouped into consonants and vowels. there are several basic ways in which articulation can be accomplished:the articulators may close off the oral tract for an instant or a relatively long period; they may narrow the space considerably; or they may simply modify the shape of the tract by approaching each other. manners of articulation:stop, fricative, approximant, lateral. other consonantal articulations include TRILL, TAP or FLAP and AFFRICATE. consonants may be produced at practically any place between the lip and the vocal folds. eleven places of articulation are distinguished on the IPA chart.

2. 腭音

2. 软音的:腭音化的,如斯拉夫语中的某些辅音
    Palatalized, as certain consonants in Slavic languages.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 在西班牙语里放在字母n上表示鼻腭音或者在葡萄牙语里放在元音上表示鼻音化的发音符号。
    A diacritical mark placed over the letter n in Spanish to indicate a palatal nasal sound or over a vowel in Portuguese to indicate nasalization.

4. 腭音的近义词

4. 本文谈几个与国际音标的辅音有关的问题:壹、动发音部位和主动发音部位;贰、后音和卷舌音;叁、腭音和软腭音;肆、于发音方法。
    The paper discusses the issues related to International Phonetic Alphabet as following:1 Initiative vs. passive vocal organs; 2 Post-alveolar and retroflex; 3 Palatal and velar; 4 Pronunciation method.

5. 在西班牙语里放在字母n上表示鼻腭音或者在葡萄牙语里放在元音上表示鼻音化的发音符号(~)。
    A diacritical mark (~) placed over the letter n in Spanish to indicate a palatal nasal sound or over a vowel in Portuguese to indicate nasalization.
