


词典have a thin skin脸皮薄,敏感。

脸皮薄 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. Thin-skinned:夹尾巴With your tail between your legs. | 脸皮薄Thin-skinned | 泼冷水Throw cold water on something

脸皮薄 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. ∶指害羞的心理。。。。害羞的叫脸皮薄,反之叫脸皮厚
    Hypernym conscience, scruples, moral sense, sense of right and wrong

2. 脸皮薄的意思

2. 别那么脸皮薄,你会做得很好的。
    Do not be so shamefaced. You'll do it very well.

3. 女孩子就是这样——脸皮薄,胆小如鼠。
    That's just like a girl-they're so thin-skinned and chicken-hearted.

4. 脸皮薄的翻译

4. 脸皮薄的人是没法子学洋文的。
    A thinskinned person cannot learn a foreign language well.

5. 假如你是个脸皮薄、无法在险运中生存的人,就不要在广告公司担任业务人员。
    If you are too thin-skinned to survive this hazard, you should not become an account executive in an advertising agency.

6. 如果脸皮薄,在政界是决混不下去的。
    If you have a thin skin, you'll never survive in politics.

7. 锦莲脸皮薄,哪里经得起这样的阵仗,几乎是仓皇而逃。
    The brocade lotus is sheepish, where withstand such of the war is nearly flurried but escape.

8. 脸皮薄在线翻译

8. 这可把我急坏了,我这个人脸皮薄又不爱解释。
    This can chase me urgently bad, I am timid and not to love an explanation.

9. 脸皮薄

9. 不管分不分版总会有人说鸟话,因为有许多家伙脸皮薄或是单单只喜欢争吵或想当'分类偏执狂'。
    People are going to bitch with or without separated boards, because there are a lot of people who are thin-skinned or just like to argue or be'category zealots'.

10. 脸皮薄

10. 其实,你暗恋我也没有关系,不告诉我也行,女孩子嘛,脸皮薄,这都可以理解,可是你为什么总是不和我说一句话呢?
    In fact, you like me to also have no relation, don't tell me all right, girl's son, timid, this all can comprehension, but you why always at enmity with do I say a words?

11. 脸皮薄的翻译

11. 我们都知道你是个脸皮薄的人。
      We all know you to be a very bashful man.
