


词典neck and nape脖项。

脖项 双语例句

1. 白皙的脖项和丰满挺拔的胸脯更是让阿尔西安分不下。
    Her lips were as red and moist as pomegranate seed.

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2. 你雪白的脖项
    Your White Throat.

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3. 我发现:她的双手象翅膀似地张开放在膝盖上,乍隐若现地露出羊驼呢褶下孱弱的腰肢。看着她光洁圆润的肩膀、极其白晳的脖项和红润双唇的优雅曲线,我心里嘀咕:要是能用我的指尖去摩挲一下该会多好。
    I observed her hands spread like wings on her lap, the suggestion of her fragile waist under the alpaca folds, the shape of her shoulders, the extreme paleness of her neck, the line of her lips, which I would have given my soul to stroke with the tip of my fingers.

4. 脖项的解释

4. 出于对他杀死安菲马科斯的愤恨,俄伊琉斯之子砍下他的脑袋,从松软的脖项,奋臂摔投;首节辘辘旋转,像一只圆球,滚过战斗的人群,最后停驻在赫克托耳脚边的尘面。
    Then the son of Oileus severed the head from the neck in revenge for the death of Amphimachus, and sent it whirling over the crowd as though it had been a ball, till fell in the dust at Hector's feet.
