1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 影片以柏格理、富能仁的福音事工为敍述主线,记述苗族、傈僳族的信教历史,描绘乌蒙山和怒江一带壮丽、险峻的自然风光,再现本地人民的现实生活状况以及基督徒艺术家在圣灵引领下所从事的采风创作活动。
The documentary's topic is on the stories that related with Polland and James Outram Fraser, and also narrated the Christian history of Miao and Lisu, in the film we can also share the magnificent nature beauty, the film represented the local people's life and the activities of our artists when they collect materials in this area.
2. 能仁的解释
2. 天尊能仁迁给您散信花。安住美丽百瓣之花蕊
Sitting on the center of the beautiful hundred-petal flower.
3. 能仁在线翻译
3. 能仁寺位于九江市区庾亮南路,最早建于公元六世纪,有诲汝泉、石船、雨穿石等古迹,寺中大胜塔是九江著名古塔。
In the temple, there are some historic relics such as Huirui Spring, Stone Boat, Yuchuanshi and Dasheng Tower is one of the famous ancient towers in Jiujiang.
4. 九江城区北滨长江,南望庐山,城内有甘棠湖、烟水亭、琵琶亭、浔阳楼、能仁寺、天花宫、浪井等名胜古迹。
Jiujiang city is on the north bank of Changjiang River and adjacent to Lushan Mountain in the south.