

胜绩[shènɡ jì]

胜绩 双语例句

1. 温格认为球队在国内联赛中的胜绩及他们的球队风格将使队伍在赛制改革后占据优势。
    But the manager believes his side's superb domestic cup record and their free-scoring style could see them benefit from the change.

2. 对于穆里尼奥,这只是他战胜成千上万的其他人其中的一场胜绩
    As for Mourinho, it was just another victory to rack up among the thousands of others.

3. 听起来是不舒服的,但是去年如果有50+的胜绩而仅仅进季后赛是不够的。。。。
    Sounds sick but if 50+ wins and a playoff cameo was not enough last year...

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 我的意思是,这明显是一个对你来说也许是个带点苦涩的甜蜜的地方,拥有很多胜绩,但也有一些败绩。
    I mean, this is obviously a place that was maybe bitter sweet, place of great success, but also a bit of defeat.

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5. 他们在最近的5个客场还未尝胜绩,打平2场输了3场。
    They have not won away in the last five, drawing twice and losing three times.

6. 胜绩

6. 现在解决掉沙尔克之后,我坚信我们会继续在德比中保持胜绩
    Now that we have overcome Schalke I am convinced we we will also win the derby.

7. 旗鼓相当的胜利不多:在他的职业生涯中,只有少数旗鼓相当的胜绩,如与卡斯蒂勒、霍亚的比赛。
    Margins of victory: He has had only a few close fights in his entire career.

8. 托瑞爷爷说,『我们必须继续保持,我们仍需努力达到我们必须要有的胜绩
    We have to keep on keeping on.

9. 这似乎就使德国足协以及整个国家把他的胜绩作为深入改革的先驱者进行吹捧变得不太现实。
    That would make it hard to tout any victory as a harbinger of further reform, not just of Germany's football association, but of the country as a whole.

10. 然而,他的胜绩也还不够多:作为一个曾参与2004年奥运会的墨西哥运动员,安古洛的职业生涯仅仅经历15战。
    However, he hasn't won that much. Angulo, a member of Mexico's 2004 Olympic team, has only 15 pro bouts.
