

肉丁[ròu dīng]


词典diced meat肉丁,小方块肉。

肉丁 汉英大词典

肉丁[ròu dīng]

diced meat:


    diced pork with hot pepper

肉丁 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. diced meat:肉末 minced meat | 肉丁 diced meat | 肉馅 meat filling

2. diced pork:chicken filets 鸡瘦肉 | diced pork 肉丁 | veal ribs 小牛肋骨肉

3. dced meat:肉末mnced meat | 肉丁dced meat | 肉馅meat fllng

肉丁 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 早年间老武汉们逢年过节时用绿豆、大米混合磨浆摊皮,包上糯米、肉丁,油煎后作为节日佳肴,现在早已成为寻常早点。
    The early years old when the holiday in wuhan with beans and rice grinding, mixing stands on rice, Fried diced, after a holiday, now has already become an earlier.

2. 锅热的猪油适量,炒一成,而葱,加入肉丁,火腿,胡萝卜,香菇,虾米,白菜炒一会儿,加了少量酱油,然后把煎锅浇阻塞良好的鸡蛋和米饭炒匀,倒了鸡汤,盐,胡椒粉少量,继续搅匀,干净镬炒炒什么可一点味精的前面。
    Pot Heat the right amount of lard, into the green onion fried a while, add diced meat, ham, carrots, mushrooms, dried shrimps, cabbage stir-fried a while, adding a small amount of soy sauce and then poured into the frying pan choking a good egg and rice stir well, pour a small amount of chicken broth, salt, pepper to continue to stir well, clean wok stir fry front of what can be a little MSG.

3. 肉丁的反义词

3. 印象最深的是嫩煎蝶鱼、木孤龙虾肉丁配蜜糖天香菜,是用繁琐的工序做出的最值得期待的美食。
    Here you can enjoy authentic French food.

4. 本机为一机多用型,可通过更换不同成型模具生产多种花样的食品,如:素牛排、素鸡翅、素海螺、素肉条、素鸡脯肉、素肉丁、豆虾、豆肠、豆丝、素海鱼、豆筋等十多种产品,本厂可根据用户及市场需求,对产品模具进行设计制作。
    This machine is a machine multi-purpose type and can switch to a different mold a variety of patterns of food production, such as: prime steak, vegetarian chicken wings, vegetarian conch, vegetarian meat section, vegetarian chicken breasts, vegetarian diced meat, beans, shrimp, beans intestinal, beans, and silk, vegetarian fish, beans, ribs and other more than 10 kinds of products, factory according to user and market demand, product design mold making.

5. 我想这个是嫩肉丁
    I guess it's diced rare meat.

6. 肉丁

6. 我猜这些小肉丁就是蚂蚁。
    I guess those little bits of pork are the ants.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 我还想在做义大利面的酱汁时,在里面加上一些鸡胸肉丁
    I also want to add a couple of cut-up chicken breasts to the spaghetti sauce while it is cooking.

8. 我猜这些小肉丁就是蚂蚁。
    I guess those little bits of pork are theants.

9. 首先,把猪肉切成肉丁并加腌料;其次是预备做馅饼的麦粉。
    First, we dice the pork and marinate it and, second, we prepare the dough for the pie.

10. 肉丁的解释

10. 它适用于各种鲜切产品包括丝,切碎,和全莴苣,卷心菜,菠菜和春季婴儿组合以及整个切片,和肉丁蔬菜和水果。
    It is suitable for a variety of fresh-cut produce including shredded, chopped, and whole-leaf lettuce, cabbage, baby spinach and spring mix as well as whole, sliced, and diced vegetables and fruits.

11. 真是很少见的红肉丁
      Very rare diced red meat.

12. 肉丁

12. 吃麻食子讲究用汤勺,轻轻地舀一勺进嘴,那麻食子的柔韧劲道,芹菜、胡萝卜的嫩脆以及肉丁的香浓,会让你吃了一碗还想再来一碗。
      Ma-eat food with about tablespoon, gently scoop a spoonful into the mouth, and that Ma's Gallic Jindao flexible, celery, carrots and tender crisp diced meat, as well as the Shannon, you would also like to eat a bowl again Bowl.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. 然后做炸酱,将肉丁及葱姜等放在油里炒,再加入黄豆制作的黄酱或甜面酱炸炒,即成炸酱。
      Then make paste by stir-frying sliced meat, shallot and ginger in oil, next add paste made from soybean or sweet paste.

14. 利用冰解冻的高压脉冲电场的试验基础,进一步以试验方式研究了在一定电场和脉冲频率下对冻豆腐和肉丁两种食品的解冻过程。
      Based on initial study on ice thawing process, treated by the same test HPEF equipment, the experimental role of thawing process on two kinds of frozen food (bean curd and minced meat) were discussed.

15. 肉丁的近义词

15. 康瓦尔郡菜肉馅饼很可口,通常它是一块烤成半圆的馅饼,里面会有肉丁、土豆块和洋葱。
      Cornish pasty is a baked savoury pastry case traditionally filled with diced meat, sliced potato and onion. Traditionally, pasties have a semicircular shape.

16. 甲:我们两人都要食虫虾,加奶汁烤马铃薯。油炸肉酱薯饼是什么,不是化了脓的肉丁烤菜吗?
      A: We'd both like the scampi with an gratin potatoes. What is a croquette but hash that have come to a head?

17. 至于主食,我点一些加黄油的烤面包,不放果酱。油炸肉酱薯饼是什么,不是化了脓的肉丁烤菜吗?
      As for food, I'd like some buttered toast. No jelly. What is a croquette but hash that have come to a head?

18. danci.911cha.com

18. 好的,宫爆肉丁,麻婆豆腐,鱼香肉丝,蚝油生菜和两碗酸辣汤。
      OK, diced pork with peanuts, Mapo beancurd, fish-flavored pork, lettuce with oyster sauce, and two hot and sour soups.

19. 肉丁的反义词

19. 面条煮熟后捞入大碗里,拌上砂锅锅里的肥肠和刚汆过的血旺、绿豆芽,再撒上一种名为脆哨的油炸猪糟头肉丁,浇上辣油,使汤色鲜红,肠肥味美,血旺嫩滑,豆芽清甜,可谓,红而不辣,硬而不生。
      The washed intestines are first braised in an earthenware pot over a low f ire with seasonings such as Chinses prockly ash, resurrection lily rhizome, anis eed, ginger and spring onion, and then sliced. The bolld sausage is put into a p ot of sliced intestines together with green bean sprouts to make a soup shortly before serving.

20. 肉馅土豆馅饼是一道传统英国菜肴,也叫农家馅饼。主要材料是肉丁和土豆泥。
      Shepherd's Pie, also known as cottage pie, is a traditional English dish comprising minced (ground) meat covered with mashed potato.
