

Smart bird;
聪明鸟 双语例句

1. 聪明鸟的翻译

1. 指令人羡慕得地位,有支配权的,有利可图的地位,常用于sit in the catbird seat中。猫鸟是北美洲的一种鸟,其形状如雀,青灰色,冠和尾布为黑色,鸣声如猫叫。在美国南方看来这种鸟聪明而骄傲,又爱栖息在搞树枝上。
    Eg:Afghanistan was one of seven devastating cat`s-paw wars, all fought in impoverished third world societies, between belligerents backed by either Moscow or Washington.

2. 聪明鸟

2. 在内容题材上,聪明勤劳的壮锦艺人也有其独具匠心的选择,擅长以仪态万千的大自然为丰富的创作源泉,将他们生活中所看见的鱼、鸟、兽、虫、花草树木等以及最熟悉的人和事为主要内容,经过提炼加工,以虚实相间的艺术手法,设计成一幅幅精美生动的图案,然后再织入美丽的锦缎中,以反映壮族人民热爱生活、热爱大自然,对美好生活的追求和憧憬。
    Contain many elements of smart hard-working young artists Kam also has its original choice, good deportment million to the nature of the creative source for the rich, will be seen in their lives of fish, birds, wild animals, insects, flowers and trees are most familiar with, as well as the people and events for the main contents of the processing has been refined to actual situation of the art practices and white, designed to fine painting vivid patterns, and then the beautiful brocade weaving in order to reflect the Zhuang people's love life, love of nature, of a better life pursuit and vision.

3. 聪明鸟什么意思

3. 据对澳大利亚园丁鸟的研究发现,与智商较低的竞争者相比,聪明的雄鸟得到更多的艳遇机会。
    Brainy male birds have more luck with females than do their less-intelligent counterparts, according to a study of the Australian bowerbird.

4. 野生动物保护区是众多本地鸟类之家,包括聪明的猕猴,被花蜜喂养的种类鸟和蜜雀、木鸽、猫头鹰、扇尾鸟、卡卡、灰莺、白鸟、翠鸟、飙升散热的鹞鹰。
    A wildlife refuge that is home to many native birds including the elusive kiwi, nectar-feeding bellbirds and tui, wood pigeons, morepork, fantail, kaka, grey warbler, waxeye, kingfisher and, soaring on the thermals, the harrier hawk.

5. 但动物行为学家一直认为,乌鸦至少有一个优势:它是世界上最聪明的鸟之一。
    But animal behaviorists have long believed that the crow has at least one thing in its favor.

6. 聪明鸟

6. 虽然美冠鹦鹉很聪明,但是鸟不会说话。
    Although the cockatoo is intelligent, birds don't speak.

7. 但是这些鸟获得了这些人的衷爱,他们喜欢其机灵聪明和为城区带来的美丽的热带色彩。
    But the birds have achieved a loyal following of fans who admire their cleverness and the splash of tropical color they bring to urban areas.

8. 聪明鸟

8. 在我们的文化中,猫头鹰这种鸟是“倒霉”的象征,而在其他文化中,它却代表聪明智慧。
    In our culture, the bird owl is a symbol of misfortune but in other cultures it represents intelligence and wisdom.

9. 猴山离鸟世界很近,聪明的猴子将会热情地迎接你们。
    The Monkey Hill is near to the Bird World. The clever monkeys will welcome you warmly.

10. 猴山离鸟世界很近,聪明的猴子将会热情地迎接你们。
    The clever monkeys will welcome you warmly. Finally, we'll go to the Lion Park.
