耳记[ěr jì]
earmark; overslope; overbit
1. 撒母耳记上 16:13 撒母耳就用角里的膏油,在他诸兄中膏了他。从这日起,耶和华的灵就大大感动大卫。
Samuel 16:13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward.
2. 许多读圣经的人都觉得,历代志上、下有点重覆,因这二卷书乃是论到撒母耳记上、下与列王纪上、下已经说过的事。
Many readers of the Bible feel that 1 and 2 Chronicles are somewhat repetitious, covering things which have been covered already in 1 and 2 Samuel and in 1 and 2 Kings.
3. 耳记的意思
3. 然而,把《卡斯特桥市长》和《旧约撕母耳记》对照来读,就会发现作者在作品中再现了扫罗与大卫交往的著名传说。故
The Mayor of Casterbridge; Bible; prototype
4. 伤害神的受膏者撒母耳记上26:5-11;诗篇105:15
Touching God`s anointed see 1 Sam. 26:5-11; Ps. 105:15
5. 耳记是什么意思
5. 听起来就像《撒母耳记上》的第二章。
Sounds like its right out of1 Samuel, second chapter.
6. 耳记的意思
6. 把你们的手指放在那儿,我们回头看看旧约,希伯来圣经,《撒母耳记上》
Now keep your finger there and go all the way to the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible, to1 Samuel.