

耳福[ěr fú]



耳福 网络解释

1. EF:EP 二碰 | EF 耳福 | EG 饿感

2. 耳福

2. zzsg:zzsd 即为 | zzsg 耳福 | zzsj 即兴

耳福 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 美妙音乐使我们大饱耳福
    Delightful music regales our ears.

2. 耳福的解释

2. 抱歉,大家没有耳福了。
    Sorry, you don't have a listen.

3. 耳福的翻译

3. 希望能看到你们的支持,今后也期待着更多的庆祝生日的生命饱耳福
    Hoping to see your support in the future too and looking forward for celebrating more birthdays on Life Rocks!

4. 耳福

4. 7月是一个生活中的热点饱耳福
    July was a hot in Life Rocks!

5. 你肯定已经一饱耳福了对吧?
    Been having a good listen, have you?

6. 跨荷载图这个电源是一个饱耳福,我的眼睛。
    The cross-load diagram for this power supply is a treat to my eye.

7. 耳福

7. 这个晚会真是让音乐爱好者大饱耳福
    The evening was a real feast for music lovers.

8. 这是我第一次看到和听到竖琴,大饱耳福
    This is the first time I watch and hear harp music.

9. 可恰我们没有聆听的耳福,以致咳唾珠玉,随风散尽!
    Unfortunately, we do not have the good luck to listen, and have let the golden words vanish in the air!

10. 耳福

10. 在上午的一个好洗刷粉饰过耳福
    In the morning a good scrub finishes it off a treat.

11. 可惜罗马人无此耳福,否则决不单说R是鼻音的狗字母。
      A pity the Romans never had a chance to hear it, for otherwise the Latin poet Persius would not have been the only one to say that " r " was a nasal in the dog's alphabet (sonat hic de nare canina litera).

12. 耳福的反义词

12. 凯里吉还提到,澳大利亚和美国的小狗们不久就能“一饱耳福”。
      Kerridge added dogs in Australia and the United States could soon have a listen.
