




耕童 网络解释

1. ploughboy:plough 犁 | ploughboy 耕童 | plover 千鸟类

耕童 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 天一亮,耕童就要下地干活。
    DAWN springs up, and the plough-boy must be at work.

2. 耕童

2. 我,希斯克利夫和其他的耕童都被要求带着各自的祷告书,到上面去。站在玉米袋子上面,我们被排成一排,我们难受的呻吟和发抖,并希望约瑟夫也发抖,这样为了他自己,他就会把圣经的讲解缩短一些。
    Were commanded to take our prayer-books, and mount: we were ranged in a row, on a sack of corn, groaning and shivering, and hoping that Joseph would shiver too, so that he might give us a short homily for his own sake.

3. 耕童的反义词

3. 而欣德利和他的太太则可以在楼下享受温暖的炉火,可以不读他们的《圣经》,做任何事情。而我就必须听从约瑟夫的安排。我,希斯克利夫和其他的耕童都被要求带着各自的祷告书,到上面去。站在玉米袋子上面,我们被排成一排,我们难受的呻吟和发抖,并希望约瑟夫也发抖,这样为了他自己,他就会把圣经的讲解缩短一些。
    All day had been flooding with rain; we could not go to church, so Joseph must needs get up a congregation in the garret; and, while Hindley and his wife basked downstairs before a comfortable fire - doing anything but reading their Bibles, I`ll answer for it - Heathcliff, myself, and the unhappy ploughboy were commanded to take our prayer-books, and mount: we were ranged in a row, on a sack of corn, groaning and shivering, and hoping that Joseph would shiver too, so that he might give us a short homily for his own sake.

4. 一整天都是雨水泛滥。我们不能去教堂,所以约瑟夫势必将大家集合到阁楼上。而欣德利和他的太太则可以在楼下享受温暖的炉火,可以不读他们的《圣经》,做任何事情。而我就必须听从约瑟夫的安排。我,希斯克利夫和其他的耕童都被要求带着各自的祷告书,到上面去。站在玉米袋子上面,我们被排成一排,我们难受的呻吟和发抖,并希望约瑟夫也发抖,这样为了他自己,他就会把圣经的讲解缩短一些。
    All day had been flooding with rain; we could not go to church, so Joseph must needs get up a congregation in the garret; and, while Hindley and his wife basked downstairs before a comfortable fire - doing anything but reading their Bibles, I'll answer for it - Heathcliff, myself, and the unhappy ploughboy were commanded to take our prayer-books, and mount: we were ranged in a row, on a sack of corn, groaning and shivering, and hoping that Joseph would shiver too, so that he might give us a short homily for his own sake.

5. 耕童

5. 街道各处透过雾气隐约可见上升的烟气,就像农夫和耕童从肥沃的农田透过雾气隐约可见天上的太阳。
    Gas looming through the fog in divers places in the streets, much as the sun may, from the spongy fields, be seen to loom by husbandman and ploughboy.
