



耍阴谋 双语例句

1. 艾什:我不能说她们都很会耍阴谋,但是我觉得她们什么都知道。
    Ash:…I can`t say they`re conniving, but I think they know what`s going on.

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2. 工会的律师谴责市长在这次罢工中耍阴谋
    The attorney for the union accused the Mayor of playing politics.

3. 工会的律师谴责市长在这次罢工中耍阴谋
    The attorney for the union accused the Mayor of playing politics in the strike.

4. 然后,赵高耍阴谋杀死了宰相,夺走了他的官位。
    After that, Zhao Gao, through intrigue killed the prime minister and took over his post.

5. 耍阴谋的近义词

5. 他们之间彼此耍阴谋
    They constantly intrigued against each other.

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6. 詹森和麦姬都希望通过罚卡萝做一个月的厨房工作让她明白耍阴谋鬼计是错误的。
    Jason and Maggie just hoped doing kitchen duty for a month would teach her that it was wrong to run scams.

7. 他是个肌肉发达、方头大脸的家伙,鼻梁骨也是断的。耍阴谋诡计他可应付不来。
    He was a muscular, square-jawed, broken-nosed guy, and subtlety wasn`t his strong point.

8. 他天真、单纯、正直,他决不会耍阴谋
    He is naive, simple and guileless; he cannot be guilty of fraud.

9. 耍阴谋

9. 你是个耍阴谋诡计的小魔鬼,对不对?
    You're a scheming little devil, aren't you?

10. 耍阴谋的翻译

10. 然后,赵高耍阴谋杀死了宰相,夺走了他的官位。
    After that, Zhao Gao, through intrigue, killed the prime minister and took over his post.

11. 他不想让她察觉到他是怎么耍阴谋对付她的。
      He did not want her to suspect how he schemed against her.

12. 我见过职业政客如何耍阴谋
      I've seen how the game is played by professionals.

13. 耍阴谋的解释

13. 但它的规模也意味着,那些不择手段想要当上“船长”的人,可以把所有的时间都花在耍阴谋、抢功劳和争地盘上。
      Yet its very scale means those jockeying to be captain of the ship can afford to spend their entire time backstabbing, stealing credit from rivals and waging turf wars.
