

耍脾气[shuǎ pí qi]


词典get into a huff感到受触犯,见怪,发怒;耍脾气。


词典put on a show of bad temper耍脾气。

耍脾气 汉英大词典

耍脾气[shuǎ pí qi]

get into a huff; put on a show of bad temper:


    His temper is easily ruffled.

耍脾气 网络解释

1. aaxilbei:aapuubei[动]交给.交待 | aaxilbei耍脾气 | aibei害怕

2. 耍脾气的意思

2. act up:18. act out 将...表现出来;将(主意等)付诸行动;用行动来发泄(或表现) | 19. act up (机器)运转不正常,(疾病)发作;耍脾气,捣蛋 | 21. addict vt.使成瘾;使成溺,使入迷

3. tantrum:miss 错过 | tantrum 耍脾气 | cereal 麦片

4. play play:公仔 gong zaii | 耍脾气 play play | 捣蛋 play ppl

耍脾气 双语例句

1. 两个互相竞争的女人在引诱一个男人,他们怒目而视,装扮自己,耍脾气,换衣服,卷头发,怒火中烧。。。。。。
    Two competing women seduce a man. They glare, dress up, give attitude, change clothes, curl their hair, and smolder......

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 我并不想对任何人耍脾气,但他这么好打听真叫人恼火。
    I don't want to be mean to anybody, but his nosiness is really exasperating.

3. 耍脾气什么意思

3. 我并不想对任何人耍脾气,但他这么好打听真叫人恼火。
    I do not want to is mean to anybody, but his nosiness is really exasperating.

4. 耍脾气的意思

4. 我并不想对任何人耍脾气,但他这么好打听真叫人恼火。
    I do not want to be mean to anybody, but his nosiness is really exasperating.

5. 只要他耍脾气,他就可以得到一切。
    He could have almost anything if he had a tantrum.

6. 耍脾气的翻译

6. 经常耍脾气,嘴上出了点小泡泡,我认为是火泡。
    Often, talking about some effort of small bubbles, I think it is fire foam.

7. 自己是舍不下他的,也就是闹闹情绪,耍耍脾气而已。
    To worry whether he will eventually get tired of me and want to give up on me.

8. 如果对我耍脾气|那你就得做俯卧撑
    Lf you give me attitude, |you will do push-ups.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. JOSHEN有时候孤独了,但会想办法来解决孤独,也会自行娱乐,看起来像是个傻子,但不是的,那也是给自己的心理安慰。JOSHEN有一个很好的弟弟,长得很帅气,很有男人味,也很会拼搏,所以JOSHEN感到很欣慰。JOSHEN的爸爸妈妈也很和睦,有时候会耍耍脾气,那但是情趣,有时候又很暧昧,那也是感情的一部分,JOSHEN的父母开了个小餐馆,虽然不能大富大贵,但生活很安稳,和平和,是个非常美满幸福的家庭,所以JOSHEN加油哦。。。。。
    JOSHEN lonely sometimes, but will want to solution to loneliness, self-entertainment will look like a fool, but it is not, that is to their own, JOSHEN there is a good brother, looks very handsome, very manly, but also very fight, so am very pleased JOSHENpsychological comfort, JOSHEN the father MOTHER is also very good, sometimes lost his temper, but that sentiment, and sometimes very ambiguous, which are also part of the feelings, JOSHEN's parents opened a small restaurant, although not rich, but life is very stable, peace and, it is a very happy home, so come on Oh JOSHEN....

10. 小孩子们总在家里和父母耍脾气
    Little children always act up with their parents at home.

11. 孩子们肯定会耍脾气
      The children were predictably fractious.

12. 我惊奇地看着这一幕,心里简直乐开了花&原来只要耍耍脾气就可以得到我想要的东西啦!
      To say I was astounded would be incorrect; I was joyed that everything I desired could be had by darting a tantrum.

13. 耍脾气

13. 他动不动就耍脾气
      His temper is easily ruffled.

14. 耍脾气

14. 如果她朝你耍脾气,吻她。
      If she's mad at you, kiss her.

15. 耍脾气的解释

15. 其实只要大人能冷静面对,孩子耍脾气是很容易平静的。
      As a matter of fact, if adults can keep calm, the kids will calm down easily.
