

老虎屁股[lǎo hǔ pì ɡu]


老虎屁股 双语例句

1. 到如今有六个月了吧,咱们镇子又变成原来那个老样子啦--诚实,小心眼,老子天下第一,还老虎屁股摸不得。
    For six months, now, the village has been its own proper self once more--honest, narrow, self-righteous, and stingy.

2. 老虎屁股的翻译

2. 星期二晚上洋基球场,分区系列赛首战,两位老屁股英雄,再加上两位新屁股豪杰,让对方哼著,谁在用8-4弹奏一曲老虎破。
    W NEW YORK — The New York Yankees used two familiar heroes — as well as a couple of new ones — to beat the Detroit Tigers 8-4 Tuesday night in Game 1 of their division series at Yankee Stadium.

3. 他这人是老虎屁股摸不得。
    He is like a tiger whose backside no one dares to touch.

4. 老虎屁股在线翻译

4. 他敢摸老虎的屁股。
    He dares to twist the lion`s tail.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 总有一天会有人敢于去摸经理的老虎屁股,当面宣泄我们大家对他的看法的。
    One of these days somebody will have the courage to beard the manager in his den and tell him what we all think of him.

6. 我要试试看你到底是不是老虎屁股摸不得。
    I am going to find out just how untouchable you are.

7. 总有一天会有人敢于去摸经理的老虎屁股,当面宣泄我们大家对''。
    One of these days somebody will have''.

8. 老虎屁股的翻译

8. 大牛:你别看我不敢摸老虎的屁股
    Though I dare not touch a tiger`s backside

9. 工人们一致同意要求增加工资,但谁也不敢去摸老虎屁股,出面向雇主提出。
    All the workers agreed that they wanted a raise, but nobody offered to bell the cat and ask their employer for the money.

10. 现在,在干部中有一个主要问题,就是怕,不敢摸老虎屁股
    One of the major problems with cadres at present is that they are afraid to touch''.

11. 老虎的屁股就摸不得?
      We can't touch the butt of the tiger?

12. 小孩能刺伤老虎的屁股。
      Kid can stab into tiger's ass.
