1. 那些敢于和旧礼教分廷抗礼的禽兽,在家中反倒有可能是一个尊重长辈的孝子贤孙;而道学家里敢向老妈挥几把老拳的大概也不只是一小挫。
Perhaps many of the Northern Chinese came to Guongdong and were robbed or cheated out of their money, and they have now returned to North China where they do the bad things that were done to them.
2. 老拳
2. 再巨大点的,聪明点的地狱火会逮着身边的敌人再饱以老拳。
It is somewhat less cunning than larger infernals and tends simply to go after the nearest opponent.
3. 我就像一只受尽欺凌的骡子:「看看这小子被饱以老拳前,可以背负多重,忍受多久?
The other kids soon figured out that if teasing spilled over into actually hitting the headmaster`s son, they could get into double trouble.
4. 老拳
4. 他们说如果这几个人真的饱尝一顿老拳,那也是活该的。
They said it would serve them damn well right if they did get a hammering.
5. 他有一张我很想饱以老拳的脸。
He has a face I'd like to punch.
6. 如果有人要找我麻烦,我就让他们尝尝中国老拳的厉害。
If anyone messes with me, I'll open a can of Chinese whoop-ass on them.