

老实巴交[lǎo shi bā jiāo]


老实巴交 汉英大词典

老实巴交[lǎo shi bā jiāo]

[方] honest

老实巴交 双语例句

1. 老实巴交在线翻译

1. 他利用警司示意认可的机会,引见了老实巴交、中规中举的家伙。
    Playing on the police show he's on, he does present a hard-nosed, law-and-order-type guy.

2. 尽管他是个不错的伙计,但太老实巴交了。
    He was a kind of plodder, though, good fellow as he was.

3. 老实巴交是什么意思

3. 中原父老祖祖辈辈老实巴交的只会在土里抛食。
    Central Plains elders for generations Laoshibajiao the only food left in the soil.

4. 老实巴交的解释

4. 女人五颜六色的头发不过带着颓废色彩,男人老实巴交一身黑色,头上还顶着个黑黑的羊绒帽,两个人彼此望着,陌生的眼光,熟悉的眼神!
    The woman is only taking decadent color with varicoloured hair, the man hands in honest bar all over black, hair still carry a wicked cashmere cap, two people look at each other, strange eyes, familiar expression in one's eyes!

5. 虽然满文军表面上看起来是老实巴交的,实际上他背地里却是非常的可怕的。
    Although the man Wen Jun老实巴交the surface is, in fact, privately he is very scary.

6. 布伦特那张老实巴交的宽脸上呈现迷惑神情。
    Brent's wide ingenuous face was puzzled and mildly indignant.

7. 一块块半凝固的、微微凸起的黄流在稳稳前移,老实巴交但又自信而强悍。
    Lump upon lump of semisolid, slightly rounded yellow fluid moving steadily forward, simple and well behaved but steadfastly intrepid.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 例 2 。队长走了,老实巴交的司机都去干活了,剩下的几个全是歪毛淘气、嘎杂子琉璃球,他们围住了她,问这问那,有捧的有骂的,有软的有硬的,有唱红脸的有唱白脸的,简直要把她给吞下去。
    That was what they hoped for.

9. 她装出一副老实巴交的样子。
    She looked as though butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 这么做也许让你显得“和蔼可亲”,但女人也会认为这是“老实巴交”.别以为她可能没看出来,但请相信我所说的,她已经看透了你。
    It may be " nice, " but women also think it's " wussy. " She may not see it, but trust me when I say that she sees right through you.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 但为什么这次是老实巴交的椅子被列入黑名单呢?
      So why is the humble chair being blacklisted?

12. 老实巴交的翻译

12. 孔子对这位老实巴交的孩子,即将离校去独闯天下,感到颇为担心。
      Confucius worried about the honest kid who would leave school to strive alone.

13. 将老实巴交的中国放在一边,电视机前躺地上靠个枕头,学会和地震一起生活。
      Pack the good china away and put a big pillow on the floor in front of the TV set and learn to live with it!

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. 这么做也许让你显得“和蔼可亲”,但女人也会认为这是“老实巴交”.别以为她可能没看出来,但请相信我所说的,她已经看透了你。
      It may be " nice," but women also think it's " wussy. " She may not see it, but trust me when I say that she sees right through you.
