

老几[lǎo jǐ ]

词典order of seniority among brothers or sisters老几。


老几 汉英大词典

老几[lǎo jǐ]

(排行第几) order of seniority among brothers or sisters:


    Where do you come in the family?; Are you the oldest, the second or what?

老几 双语例句

1. 2,作为北京人,我家楼下确实被强制绿化了,我不得不说这很好,几十年雷打不动的脏乱差被铲除了,虽然干活的还是当年怠工的那老几位。。。
    As a Beijinger, the area around the building I live in has definitely been forcibly `greened'; I can't help but say it's nice.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 你的代表着你在世界上排名老几的那宫已经很有能量了,大部分人把那宫叫事业宫。
    You`ve got major energy in the sector of your chart that deals with how you rank in the world, and for most people that means career.

3. 人生在世无非是让别人笑笑,偶尔笑笑别人,鄙视我的人这麼多,你算老几
    Life is to make people smile, only occasionally, despise me smile others who so much, you who?

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 你认为你是老几
    Who the hell do you think you are?

5. 那太好了,但你算老几呀,宝贝?
    That's terrific. But who are you, babe?

6. 老几

6. 你以为你是谁你算老几,你算老几
    Who do you think you are who do you think you are, who do you think you are

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. 那时法老几乎不容我们去,耶和华就把埃及地所有头生的,无论是人是牲畜,都杀了。
    When Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the Lord killed every firstborn in Egypt, both man and animal.

8. 你算老几,凭什么对俺发号施令,还叫俺“小子”?
    Who be you, then, to order me about and call me " boy "?

9. 你是老几
    Where do you come in the family? ; Are you the oldest, the second or what?

10. 他不知自己算老几,在公园里架子十足地踱着步,好像这地方归他所有。
    Who does he think he is, strutting about the park as if he owns the place?

11. 老几

11. 他不知自己算老几,在公园里架子十足地踱着步,好像这地方归他所有。
      Who does he think he is, strut ting about the park as if he owns the place?

12. 他知道自己排老几
      He knew his place in the pecking order

13. 这孩子是(你的)老几呀?
      Is this your oldest/youngest child/son/daughter?

14. 老几在线翻译

14. 你也得学着点,拉一辈子车又算老几
      You'd better catch on a bit too. what's good about pulling a rickshaw all the time?

15. 当他想发号施令时,她很快就让他明白自己算老几
      When he tried to take charge, she soon put him in his place.

16. 你可以让句子再长一点:“他给我我一个“你算老几”兼着“看我干嘛”的眼神。但是,形容词是有长度限制的。
      Make it even longer if you want: "'he gave me a who-do-you-think-you-are-and-why-are-you-looking-at-me sort of look "'- but there is a limit to the length you can make an adjective.

17. “舒马赫在美国算老几啊?”蒙托亚说,他在美国已经拥有众多的车迷了。
      " Schumacher in America is nobody, " said Montoya, who's steadily building on an already strong United States fan base.

18. 老几的解释

18. 在美国运行的飞机通常比其他地区的机龄要老几年,未来20年大概需要5000架新飞机。
      Jets flying in America are typically several years older than elsewhere. Perhaps 5000 new aircraft may be needed in the next 20 years.

19. 老几在线翻译

19. 你可以让句子再长一点:“他给我我一个“你算老几”兼着“看我干嘛”的眼神。但是,形容词是有长度限制的。
      Make it even longer if you want: "'he gave me a who-do-you-think-you-are-and-why-are-you-looking-at-me sort of look "'- but there is a limit to the length you can make an adjective.

20. 老几是什么意思

20. 你是老几
      Where do you come in the family?; Are you the oldest, the second or what?
