








翻斤斗 网络解释

1. somersault:在全世界大选角之后,卡梅隆选定了澳大利亚男演员山姆.沃星顿(SamWorthington)扮演男主角杰克.苏利,之前他曾经主演过澳大利亚本土电影<<命运翻斤斗>>(Somersault)和新版的<<麦克白>>,得到了澳大利亚影评人的关注.

2. handspring:handspike 手杆 | handspring 翻斤斗 | handstaff 连枷柄

3. 翻斤斗是什么意思

3. tumblen:3761Tuesdayn. 星期二 | 3762tumblen. 跌倒,翻斤斗; v. 翻倒,滚动 | 3763tunen. 歌曲,旋律,心情; v. 调节,和谐

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. circumgyration:circumfusion 周围灌注 | circumgyration 翻斤斗 | circumjacent 围绕着的

翻斤斗 双语例句

1. 翻斤斗什么意思

1. 波莉姨妈进来时正好看见它在连翻斤斗
    Aunt Polly entered in time to see him throw a few double summersets

2. 嘿,伙计。他们想,这听起来可不像是翻斤斗的规则。
    Hey, man, they thought, this doesn`t sound like a rule for a loop.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 他们想,这听起来可不像是翻斤斗的规则。
    Hey, man, they thought, this doesn't sound like a rule for a loop.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 他让他们在垫子上翻斤斗
    He lets them tumble on the mat.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 病人在床上辗转反侧。③翻斤斗;④仓促地行动
    The sick man tossed and tumble d in his bed.

6. 一个斤斗翻下来,即将着陆时还来了个快滚。
    Yet in delight he flew a loop to landing, with a snap roll just before touchdown.

7. 翻斤斗的意思

7. 当着学到以为了不起的时候,人家那里已经不要了,结果栽了个斤斗,像孙悟空一样,翻过来了。
    While they were swelling with pride over what they had picked up, it was already being discarded in those countries; as a result, they had to do a somersault like the Monkey Sun Wu-kung.

8. 翻斤斗

8. 年轻的海鸥们不解地望着他。嘿,伙计。他们想,这听起来可不像是翻斤斗的规则。
    The young gulls looked at him quizzically. Hey, man, they thought, this doesn't sound like a rule for a loop.

9. 翻斤斗是什么意思

9. 不是!她又想翻一个大斤斗!
    No! She attempts a big turn again!

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 跳舞的穿着混身发亮的衣服,可怜的翻斤斗老头儿涂着两腮帮子胭脂,引得那些乡下佬睁着眼瞧,不提防后面就有三只手的家伙在掏他们的口袋。
    Bawling in front of their booths, and yokels looking up at the tinselled dancers and poor old rouged tumblers, while the light-fingered folk are operating upon their pockets behind.
