

翘辫子[qiào biàn zi]

词典kick the bucket翘辫子;死掉;上西天;两眼朝了天。

词典be gathered to one's farthers翘辫子。

词典catch in one's chips翘辫子。

词典drop dead倒毙;翘辫子;两眼朝了天。

翘辫子 汉英大词典

翘辫子[qiào biàn zi]

kick the bucket; be gathered to one's farthers; catch in one's chips; drop dead; drop off the hooks; give up the ghost; join the great majority; kick up one's heels

翘辫子 网络解释

1. kick the bucket:游戏还必须在顾客浏览货架时就立刻抓住他们的眼球,于是艺术总监詹生?盖姆默将诸如''翘辫子''(kickthebucket)和''天哪''(holycow)之类的习语变成了卡通形象放在游戏五颜六色的包装设计上.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. to kick the bucket:to give up the ghost见阎王 | to kick the bucket翘辫子 | to kick up one's heels蹬腿,翘脚

3. danci.911cha.com

3. turn up one's toes:kick the bucket. 翘辫子 | turn up one's toes. 翘辫子 | slip one's breath. 断气了.

4. 翘辫子的近义词

4. kick the basket:flight attendant 空服人员 | kick the basket 翘辫子 | homely 贤惠的(暗指不好看)

翘辫子 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 罗富陇歪着头,画着他的画,顺口唸着杜鹃有红也有白,杜鹃有黄也有紫,吃片杜鹃口香糖,包你马上翘辫子
    Luo Long Wai Zhetou, he painted the painting, reading comes to people's mind, a cuckoo Red is also white, yellow azalea is also purple, eat rhododendron piece of chewing gum, including Qiao Bianzai you right away!

2. 翘辫子

2. 他们有一架长期待命的飞机,在我翘辫子的时候用。
    They keep one plane on permanent standby in case I should kick the bucket.

3. 我在两年内可能会翘辫子
    I could be dead in two years.

4. 你很强壮我的朋友,弱一点的人到现在应该翘辫子了。
    You're a tough one my friend, a lesser man would be dead by now.

5. 翘辫子在线翻译

5. 你作的任何事都可能导致你翘辫子--包括你什么都不做 38。
    Anything you do can get you killed, including nothing.

6. 我们都要翘辫子
    We're all gonna die.

7. 我问你,差点要翘辫子是不是个拿来开玩笑的理由?
    I ask you, is almost dying any excuse for not being fun?

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 那名跑者气喘如牛,我以为他就快翘辫子了。
    The runner was panting so hard that I thought he was going to die.

9. 但是,在那种情况下,这个人的身体相当可能非常槽糕了(我的理解:可能要翘辫子
    However, a person's body would probably have to be pretty messed up for that to be the case.

10. 感谢上帝,奥利芙所有的亲戚看上去暂时都没有翘辫子之虞。
    None of Olive's relatives looked likely to pop off for the time being, thank God.

11. 翘辫子是什么意思

11. 袁世凯刚刚登上皇帝的宝座就翘辫子了。
      Yuan Shikai had just taken the throne when he kicked the bucket.

12. 这个短语源自于英文俗语tokickthebucket,意即去世(翘辫子),这个表达早在1785年就已经在使用了。
      This phrase comes from the idiom to kick the bucket, meaning to die, which has been in the language since at least 1785.

13. 先生,我严肃地说,这是我的专业意见&这本子若不赶紧找人帮忙,用不着六个月就会翘辫子
      Sir, I said gravely, here is my professional opinion & if this book does not get some help soon, it will be dead within the next six months.

14. 我希望在我翘辫子之前去澳大利亚看看我的孙子。
      I hope to see my grandchildren in Australia before I turn up my toes.

15. 来了一个小姑娘,穿着白色裙子,梳着长翘辫子
      In came a girl, wearing a white skirt with two long pigtails.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. 接着我问他能否让我把笔记本带到镇上复印,免得它翘辫子
      Then I asked if I could take the notebook into town with me and photocopy it before it died.

17. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

17. 他希望在他翘辫子之前看看他的孙子。
      He hopes to see his grandchildren before he turns up his toes.
