


词典cartoons动画片;漫画( cartoon的名词复数 );讽刺画;草图底图。


词典puppet films美术片。

美术片 网络解释

1. 美术片的近义词

1. Animation:美术片(animation)运用绘画或其他造型手段创作的影片,特别为少年儿童欢迎.它包括以下4类.①动画片.英语称卡通(cartoon),是以绘画表现人物形象、剧情的影片,是美术片中最基础、最多的一种.20世纪60年代中国研制成功的水墨动画片是动画片的一个发展,

2. 美术片的解释

2. Cartoon and puppet films:B movie B级片,水平不高的影片 | Cartoon and puppet films 美术片 | children's film, kid movie 儿童电影

美术片 双语例句

1. 美术片

1. 建厂四十多年来,译制了世界49个国家各种语版的故事片1000多部和大量美术片、科教片、纪录片及电视剧,为广大观众展现了五彩缤纷的世界影视画廊,为中外文化交流架起了相互沟通的桥梁。
    It has dubbed over 1, 000 feature films and great many animation films, documentary films and TV series from 49 countries, and presented before the audience with a colorful world, and built a bridge of communication between Chinese and foreign cultures.

2. 美术片

2. 1950年2月,东北组联合其他的一些部门,成立了专业生产美术片的上海美术电影制片厂的前身(简称美影)。
    In February 1950 the northeast group would combine with other divisions to become the predecessor of Shanghai Animation Film Studio.

3. 美术片的近义词

3. 此毕业论文就是从日本动漫产业的卡通来和大家探讨一下中国美术片未来的出路。
    To explore the future of chinese art piece way out.

4. 大闹天宫》是我最喜欢看的美术片
    Adventures in the Heavenly Palace is my favorite cartoon.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 而作为现代幼儿生活中重要的一项活动内容——观看儿童电视美术片,理应纳入幼儿教育工作者的研究视野。
    Thus it s due to the educational workers to take good consideration on the cartoons, which is now playing an important part in infants lives.

6. 中国皮影戏所用的幕影演出原理,以及皮影戏的表演艺术手段,对近代电影的发明和现代电影美术片的发展也都起过先导作用。
    The screen shadow performance method in Chinese Shadow Play and the performing artistic means in the Shadow Play have guided the invention of modern films and development of contemporary animated motion pictures.

7. 在中国,不少的地方戏曲剧种都是从皮影戏中派生出来的,而皮影戏中所用的幕影演出道理及表演艺术手段,对近代电影的发明和现代电影美术片的发展也起到了重要的先导作用。
    Three monks 》chase ancient story and modern of, the knot of the skill handiness of the recounting of west puts together, it special art style, is different from in any other films, it isn''t only Chinese, is also a world.

8. 中国皮影戏所用的幕影演出原理,以及皮影戏的表演艺术手段,对近代电影的发明和现代电影美术片的发展也都起过先导作用。
    The screen shadow performance theory in Chinese Shadow Play and the performing artistic devices in the Shadow Play have guided the invention of modern movies and development of contemporary movie animated pictures.

9. 观看儿童电视美术片是当代幼儿生活不可或缺的重要内容。
    TV cartoons are an indispensable and important aspect in modern childrens lives.

10. 美术片的反义词

10. 幼儿园所开展的儿童电视美术片教育活动,可以划分为“观看活动”与“延伸活动”两个层次。
    There are two levels of activities as " watching activity " and " expanding activity " - in the children's cartoon teaching process.

11. 儿童电视美术片在幼儿园教育中的应用研究
      The History Of Television The Applied Research on Cartoons in Kindergarten Education

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. 中国美术片作为中国电影的重要片种之一,其发展历史是中国电影发展史的重要组成部分。
      Chinese Cartoons is one of the important types of films in China, and its history constitutes part of the Chinese cinema history.

13. 最后通过对比国外美术片的生存、创作现状,找出自身的不足,探寻出适合目前中国美术片的创作与市场规律。
      At last, he contrasts Chinese cartoons with foreign ones from their respective survival and actual situation and points out deficiencies of Chinese cartoons and its own laws of production and market.

14. 美术片的解释

14. 幼儿园所开展的儿童电视美术片教育活动,可以划分为“观看活动”与“延伸活动”两个层次。
      There are two levels of activities as " watching activity " and " expanding activity " - in the children's cartoon teaching process.
