


词典give a feast请客。

置酒 双语例句

1. 置酒的解释

1. 亲旧知其如此,或置酒招之,造饮辄尽,期在必醉;既醉而退,曾不吝情去留。
    However, whenever coming across something new in lines, he will be so absorb as to neglect the meals.

2. 他们在托斯卡纳区参观了一置酒镇。
    They visited a winemaking town in Tuscany.

3. 其中放炮、置酒,是少不了的项目。
    Shooting them, 置酒is indispensable item.

4. 置酒

4. 生儿育女,既是一个新生命的诞生,也是父母婚姻结合的结晶,置酒庆贺,一方面向亲友宣布自家一个新成员的加入;另一方面,反映了对妇女生育的一种尊重,同时,把诸多美好的祝福和希望寄托在新生命的身上,浸润在酒筵的喜庆气氛之中。
    Give birth to children, is both the birth of a new life, but also the parents of marriage combined with the crystallization of置酒to celebrate, on the one hand, to the relatives and friends announced a new family members; on the other hand, reflects a respect for a woman at the same time, the many good wishes and hopes are pinned on a new lease of life, who酒筵infiltration in the festive atmosphere.

5. 置酒在线翻译

5. 男女服务员前呼后拥,布菜置酒,熙熙攘攘,好不热闹。
    The waiters and waitress are busying serving food.
