

置之度外[zhì zhī dù wài]


词典leave [put] out of consideration [one's calculation


词典not to take into consideration [account]

词典have no regard for置之度外;瞧不起。

置之度外 汉英大词典

置之度外[zhì zhī dù wài]

leave [put] out of consideration [one's calculation; account]; not to take into consideration [account]; have no regard for; think nothing of it; cast out of one's mind; disregard entirely; give no thought to; have no regard to:


    For the revolutionary cause many martyrs left life and death out of consideration.

    他为了抢救落水儿童, 把个人安危置之度外

    He went to the rescue of a drowning child regardless of his personal safety.; He ventured his life to save a child from drowning.

    别的事情, 他都置之度外了。

    Nothing else mattered him now.

置之度外 网络解释

1. disregard:dispute 争吵 | disregard 置之度外 | dissect 解剖

2. daljakv de obuha:dalbai boo 耳房 | daljakv de obuha 置之度外 | dambaku omimbi 吸烟

3. leave out of account:34. lay one's account with(或on, for) 把...计算在内;指望,期望,期待;考虑到 | 35. leave out of account 对...不予考虑,没考虑到,置之度外,不要计较 | 36. make account of 重视
