

罪有应得[zuì yǒu yīng dé]


词典deserve one's punishment罪有应得。

词典be a proper punishment for one's bad behaviour罪有应得。

词典culpable of punishment[法] 罪有应得,应受惩罚。

词典get one's just deserts罪有应得。

词典Wise Guys Never Die[电影]提防老千。

罪有应得 汉英大词典

罪有应得[zuì yǒu yīng dé]

deserve one's punishment; be a proper punishment for one's bad behaviour; culpable of punishment; get one's just deserts; (He) has got what (he) deserves.; He got the punishment he deserved.; It serves him right.; It serves one perfectly right.; well-deser

罪有应得 网络解释

1. serve one right:separate the sheep from the goats 区分善恶 | serve one right 罪有应得 | set the Thames on fire 干大事,做不寻常之事

2. serve sb.right:See the red light亮起红灯 | serve sb.right罪有应得 | set by the ears一鸣惊人

3. You deserved it:4.你把我给搞糊涂了. You made me confused. | 5.罪有应得. You deserved it. | 6.已经无法挽救了. There is no way out.
